As a simple way to solve the problem of back pain
Why the need for exercises to strengthen the spine? They help maintain the health of the spine and the whole body.
The spine is the axis for the human body, support it, thanks to him, we move.
From strength of muscles and ligaments that surround the spine, depends on his health. Than it is stronger, the less the load on the discs and joints of the spine. Hard or soft ligaments rewards us nature, and we have what we have. But the muscles can and should be strengthened.
Muscle mass in an adult is approximately 35-40% of body weight. Skeletal muscle cannot relax, if it long been in suspense.
Remember how often in the workplace, and at home, we are in the position to static electricity. And now aching neck, shoulders, back.... And we continue to sit, it is necessary to finish everything. And from the muscles depends on the quality of the blood supply throughout the body and the spine in particular.
If the muscles are tense, you are suffering blood flow to the spine, its discs, joints. In this situation a very useful stretching exercises of the muscles of the spine, otherwise, they become flabby, lose their mass. This degrades the power and the muscle, and the fact that it surrounds. And here already there are degenerative changes (i.e., degeneration) in the discs and joints of the spine, and then to disc herniation in the neighborhood.
Yes, the well-being of the spine depends on muscle mass and quality of their work. If the muscles are constantly in contraction, they can't restore their weight and quality krovosnabzhenie that surround. But there is a way to help tired muscle need to begin to stretch.
For example, in Japan, thanks to the culture of stretch marks, it is not the actual problem of back pain.
And we? What is the percentage of people suffering from back pain? Huge! And this, despite, a variety of (mainly pharmacological) treatment methods.
Stretching muscle, we help her to fully relax and restore the blood flow, which in turn does not lose muscle mass. And restoring, or simply improving blood flow to the muscles, we partially or completely remove the pain. After all, pain is a consequence of circulatory disorders.
In the majority of cases pain in the spine caused by uneven tension of the surrounding muscles.
We offer to your attention 2 exercises that will help stretch the deep muscles of the spine, to restore in them the blood circulation and thus reduce pain and also to strengthen our spine is rested and not fatigued muscles.
Exercise № 1On stretching the muscles of the lower back.
The same can be difficulties if there is pain in the knee joints that simply won't allow you to squat. Put on each side of the two chairs, and with their help, log in to the deep slope, and then perform the exercise.
Exercise # 2in pain in the gluteal region.
Standing up or lying down, bend the knee, sore feet and pull up towards the opposite shoulder, hold for 5-7 seconds in this position. The pain to decrease or disappear. Repeat this exercise often, when there is pain in the buttocks and over time it will weaken or disappear altogether. published
Source: butakova.info/blog/uprazhneniya-dlya-ukrepleniya-pozvonochnika.html
The spine is the axis for the human body, support it, thanks to him, we move.
From strength of muscles and ligaments that surround the spine, depends on his health. Than it is stronger, the less the load on the discs and joints of the spine. Hard or soft ligaments rewards us nature, and we have what we have. But the muscles can and should be strengthened.
Muscle mass in an adult is approximately 35-40% of body weight. Skeletal muscle cannot relax, if it long been in suspense.
Remember how often in the workplace, and at home, we are in the position to static electricity. And now aching neck, shoulders, back.... And we continue to sit, it is necessary to finish everything. And from the muscles depends on the quality of the blood supply throughout the body and the spine in particular.
If the muscles are tense, you are suffering blood flow to the spine, its discs, joints. In this situation a very useful stretching exercises of the muscles of the spine, otherwise, they become flabby, lose their mass. This degrades the power and the muscle, and the fact that it surrounds. And here already there are degenerative changes (i.e., degeneration) in the discs and joints of the spine, and then to disc herniation in the neighborhood.
Yes, the well-being of the spine depends on muscle mass and quality of their work. If the muscles are constantly in contraction, they can't restore their weight and quality krovosnabzhenie that surround. But there is a way to help tired muscle need to begin to stretch.
For example, in Japan, thanks to the culture of stretch marks, it is not the actual problem of back pain.
And we? What is the percentage of people suffering from back pain? Huge! And this, despite, a variety of (mainly pharmacological) treatment methods.
Stretching muscle, we help her to fully relax and restore the blood flow, which in turn does not lose muscle mass. And restoring, or simply improving blood flow to the muscles, we partially or completely remove the pain. After all, pain is a consequence of circulatory disorders.
In the majority of cases pain in the spine caused by uneven tension of the surrounding muscles.
We offer to your attention 2 exercises that will help stretch the deep muscles of the spine, to restore in them the blood circulation and thus reduce pain and also to strengthen our spine is rested and not fatigued muscles.
Exercise № 1On stretching the muscles of the lower back.
- from a standing position squat, back straight, hands on knees;
- stretch forward with one hand touching the floor, it's do with the other hand;
- then, uperevshis on the palm, lift the pelvis, my legs are much bent at the knees, and do 10 tilts (second in each), trying to stick his head between his knees;
- return to starting position gently backwards to sit on the ground leaning his arms on the floor, put turns the hands on the knees to rise.
- Dangerous poulnabrone but useful deep slopes. Therefore, this exercise avoids the stage of poulnabrone, and immediately goes to the deep slope.
The same can be difficulties if there is pain in the knee joints that simply won't allow you to squat. Put on each side of the two chairs, and with their help, log in to the deep slope, and then perform the exercise.
Exercise # 2in pain in the gluteal region.
Standing up or lying down, bend the knee, sore feet and pull up towards the opposite shoulder, hold for 5-7 seconds in this position. The pain to decrease or disappear. Repeat this exercise often, when there is pain in the buttocks and over time it will weaken or disappear altogether. published
Source: butakova.info/blog/uprazhneniya-dlya-ukrepleniya-pozvonochnika.html
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