This way of dealing with insomnia use in children's hospitals. Try it and you!
Insomnia, restless sleep — this problem is familiar to many. The abundance of thoughts in my head, stress will not allow us to settle down and make for hours tossing and turning without sleep. As a result, the body is not resting, we feel exhausted and tired. Long-term insomnia can cause serious health damage.
You can certainly start taking a sleeping pill, but better to do so only on the advice of a doctor. For the beginning try to use this trick: to overcome insomnia will help special blanket.
A fragment of a painting Bernardo Strozzi "Sleeping baby"
The so-called weighted blanket inside has a special filler plastic beads or dry grains — which are filled with pouches sewn into the fabric. This pillow you will feel that you embrace, because it takes the form of the body and increases the pressure. It gives a feeling of comfort and a massage. As it turned out, this pillow to fall asleep much easier.
A warm "hug" quilts that make us happy — the body, feel the comfort, not only produces melatonin, the sleep hormone, and serotonin, the happiness hormone. And you fall asleep easier and stronger. In children's hospitals around the world use this trick for a long time to calm baby and help him sleep, cover him a weighted blanket. This is also used by parents of children suffering from autism. But everyone can experience the effects of a "heavy" blanket on itself and decide how it works.
Weighted blankets can be bought, but you can do it yourself. There is nothing special here. The blanket should weigh about 10% of the weight of the person who will use it. Let's say you weigh 80 pounds, so you will need 7-8 pounds of fresh beans, peas, rice, etc. But keep in mind, this quilt is not suitable for people suffering from shortness of breath.
To make the blanket, you will need a filler of plastic or fabric bags and a large piece of fabric. If you don't like to sew, you can follow the advice of the author of this video (in English) and made a quilt from plastic bags and duct tape that you just put in a duvet cover.
SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel that allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about the recovery, the rejuvenation of man. Love for others and ourselves, as the feeling of high vibrations — an important factor
Good night! published
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Source: www.g8ozd.ru/insomnia/?ref=fb
You can certainly start taking a sleeping pill, but better to do so only on the advice of a doctor. For the beginning try to use this trick: to overcome insomnia will help special blanket.

A fragment of a painting Bernardo Strozzi "Sleeping baby"
The so-called weighted blanket inside has a special filler plastic beads or dry grains — which are filled with pouches sewn into the fabric. This pillow you will feel that you embrace, because it takes the form of the body and increases the pressure. It gives a feeling of comfort and a massage. As it turned out, this pillow to fall asleep much easier.

A warm "hug" quilts that make us happy — the body, feel the comfort, not only produces melatonin, the sleep hormone, and serotonin, the happiness hormone. And you fall asleep easier and stronger. In children's hospitals around the world use this trick for a long time to calm baby and help him sleep, cover him a weighted blanket. This is also used by parents of children suffering from autism. But everyone can experience the effects of a "heavy" blanket on itself and decide how it works.

Weighted blankets can be bought, but you can do it yourself. There is nothing special here. The blanket should weigh about 10% of the weight of the person who will use it. Let's say you weigh 80 pounds, so you will need 7-8 pounds of fresh beans, peas, rice, etc. But keep in mind, this quilt is not suitable for people suffering from shortness of breath.
To make the blanket, you will need a filler of plastic or fabric bags and a large piece of fabric. If you don't like to sew, you can follow the advice of the author of this video (in English) and made a quilt from plastic bags and duct tape that you just put in a duvet cover.
SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel that allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about the recovery, the rejuvenation of man. Love for others and ourselves, as the feeling of high vibrations — an important factor
Good night! published
Put LIKES and share with your FRIENDS!
Source: www.g8ozd.ru/insomnia/?ref=fb
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