Laundry worker showed how to wash large blankets in the machine without complications and fears
When you’re not in a hot African country, you have to have a big blanket. It warms in winter and gives a feeling of warmth and comfort even in the snowiest period. Remember that feeling when you don't want to get out of a den called a blanket? It's nice to remember this in the summer. But everything requires care and maintenance. The blanket is no exception. And periodically it should be washed, at least once a year, preferably two. Because the settling of dust leads to its accumulation inside the blanket, and there to the dust mite is not far.
Editorial "Site" How to wash a blanket so that it lasts a long time.
Today, the market of goods is full of various blankets. They are for every taste and desire. There are down, bamboo, syntepone, wool, synthetic filler, hollofiber and many other different filling technologies. And how to wash them at home, today you will tell the editorial board "Site". We have put together for you the perfect instructions for washing blankets.
The first thing to do is figure out what the maximum wash weight can be loaded into your washing machine. You need to know the weight of the blanket. If its weight does not exceed the permissible norm for a washing machine, you can wash safely. If it still exceeds, then it is better to contact the dry cleaner, since overload for the drum is fraught with sad consequences.
The second stage of preparatory work before washing. We need to check if there are any holes on the blanket, broken seams. The blanket should be whole and unharmed, otherwise there is every chance to get a torn case or a filler completely out of the washing machine. And then the blanket won't save anything. And when we found out the admissibility of washing the blanket in the washing machine, sewed all the holes, now the main thing is to fold it correctly. To avoid overload and distortion of the drum, the blanket should be evenly distributed throughout the drum.
So we fold the blanket three times. We should have four layers of blanket. Now we're squeezing it hard and rolling it off. And then we put it in the washing machine. Already in the washing machine, it will be distributed evenly across the drum. If the blanket is down or with a synthetic filler, be sure to add ordinary tennis balls to the drum. Only the balls should be for tennis - big and tight. They are very good at kneading the filler during washing, and it does not clumps in one place.
Choosing a means for washing the blanket, give preference to gel structures. The powder will not be able to completely dissolve in this amount of washing, and granules or soapy divorces may remain on the blanket. The gel in such conditions copes much better. After washing, you must rinse 2-3 times to wash off all the remnants of the washing agent. The mode is best chosen for delicate washing or washing woolen things. Ideal at 40 degrees and pressing 600-800 rpm.
And the last requirement when washing a blanket is its drying. Under no circumstances should the blanket be dried in suspension. All the filler will run down, and it will be very difficult to distribute it around the perimeter of the blanket. It is best to dry in the open air in a horizontal position. It is constantly turning over, so that it does not stop and rot. If there is no possibility to dry on the street, then it is best to do it on the balcony with wide open windows and frequent turns. The down blanket will periodically need to also be kneaded so that the filler does not dry in one lump.
Hopefully, these simple rules will help you keep your blankets clean. After all, this thing is simply necessary for our latitudes. Share in the comments, do you wash blankets or dry clean?

Editorial "Site" How to wash a blanket so that it lasts a long time.
Today, the market of goods is full of various blankets. They are for every taste and desire. There are down, bamboo, syntepone, wool, synthetic filler, hollofiber and many other different filling technologies. And how to wash them at home, today you will tell the editorial board "Site". We have put together for you the perfect instructions for washing blankets.

The first thing to do is figure out what the maximum wash weight can be loaded into your washing machine. You need to know the weight of the blanket. If its weight does not exceed the permissible norm for a washing machine, you can wash safely. If it still exceeds, then it is better to contact the dry cleaner, since overload for the drum is fraught with sad consequences.

The second stage of preparatory work before washing. We need to check if there are any holes on the blanket, broken seams. The blanket should be whole and unharmed, otherwise there is every chance to get a torn case or a filler completely out of the washing machine. And then the blanket won't save anything. And when we found out the admissibility of washing the blanket in the washing machine, sewed all the holes, now the main thing is to fold it correctly. To avoid overload and distortion of the drum, the blanket should be evenly distributed throughout the drum.

So we fold the blanket three times. We should have four layers of blanket. Now we're squeezing it hard and rolling it off. And then we put it in the washing machine. Already in the washing machine, it will be distributed evenly across the drum. If the blanket is down or with a synthetic filler, be sure to add ordinary tennis balls to the drum. Only the balls should be for tennis - big and tight. They are very good at kneading the filler during washing, and it does not clumps in one place.

Choosing a means for washing the blanket, give preference to gel structures. The powder will not be able to completely dissolve in this amount of washing, and granules or soapy divorces may remain on the blanket. The gel in such conditions copes much better. After washing, you must rinse 2-3 times to wash off all the remnants of the washing agent. The mode is best chosen for delicate washing or washing woolen things. Ideal at 40 degrees and pressing 600-800 rpm.

And the last requirement when washing a blanket is its drying. Under no circumstances should the blanket be dried in suspension. All the filler will run down, and it will be very difficult to distribute it around the perimeter of the blanket. It is best to dry in the open air in a horizontal position. It is constantly turning over, so that it does not stop and rot. If there is no possibility to dry on the street, then it is best to do it on the balcony with wide open windows and frequent turns. The down blanket will periodically need to also be kneaded so that the filler does not dry in one lump.
Hopefully, these simple rules will help you keep your blankets clean. After all, this thing is simply necessary for our latitudes. Share in the comments, do you wash blankets or dry clean?
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