The teacher became the idol of the students, when made up for them a list of tips against stress
Brett Phillips — teacher of psychology at school California town of Oxnard. His course he begins with the fact that distributes the class list. But not literature for the course, as you would think, and the list of ways to cope with stress, which he began to compose while still a student.
A list posted on Twitter his student, Alina Ramirez. He was immediately picked up by students around the world! 25 000 of complete strangers decided to show it to their readers. Alina received a lot of appreciation for what you've posted it. And a sea of compliments for the teachers.
Get up 15 minutes early. Prepare for morning the evening before. Avoid tight-fitting clothes. Try to avoid tablets. Set up these meetings in advance. Don't rely on your memory... write down All. Give attention to the prevention. Make spare keys. More likely to say "no." Prioritize in my life. Avoid negative people. Use the time wisely. Don't forget to eat. Always make copies of important documents. Pre-assess what you need. Fix anything not working as it should. Ask me to help with tasks that you don't like. Solve large tasks in small portions. Look at problems as temporary difficulties. Look at these difficulties from the other side. Treat life easier. Smile. Be prepared for rain, take an umbrella. Mess about with the kids. Give affection to your Pets. Don't need to know all the answers to all the questions. Always look for the good in the bad. Say something good to anyone. Teach a kid to fly a kite. Walk in the rain Play into your daily schedule, free time. Take a bubble bath. Be confident in the decisions taken. Believe in yourself. Stop telling yourself bad things. Think of yourself as a winner. Develop a sense of humor. Live in the now. Don't expect that tomorrow will be better. Put yourself goals. Dance a jig. Say "Hello" to a stranger. Often embrace with friends. Look at the stars. Learn to breathe slowly and calmly. Learn to whistle a tune. Read the poems. Listen Symphony. See the ballet. Read curled up in bed. Try for something new. Get rid of bad habits. Buy yourself flowers just because. Hold on and enjoy the smell of flowers. Find support. Find a friend that will be your outlet. Do it today. Learn to be happier and more optimistic. Always put safety first. Observe in all moderation. Pay attention to his appearance. Strive for excellence, not perfection. Every day at least a little bit to expand their limits. Admire works of art. Hum songs. Take control of your weight. Plant a tree. Feed the birds. Show some humility in a difficult situation. Rose — go exercise. Always have a plan "B". Learn to draw new doodles. Remember jokes. Responsible for his feelings. Learn to understand what you need. Be the best listener. Know your weaknesses and don't be afraid to show them to others. Wish someone a good day in pig Latin". Do paper airplanes. Practise every day. Learn the lyrics of the new songs. Get to work early. Clean up properly in the closet. Play Patty-cake with the baby. Go on a picnic. Change usual routes. Get out of work or school early (with permission, of course). Buy air freshener in the car. Watch the movie and eat popcorn. Write notes to friends who are now far away. Go to the match and natricis enough. Prepare the meal and have a candlelight dinner. Face it, unconditional love is important. Remember, stress is how you handle the situation. Write a journal. Learn to smile widely. Remember that there is always a choice. Enlist the support of friends,get inspired by, visiting favorite places and surrounding myself with the things. Stop trying to fix others. Sleep as it should. Talk less and listen more. Generously praise the people around you. BONUS: Relax, appreciate every day... you Have a whole life ahead.
Brett himself says of him: "I'm handing out to his students and asked to choose five items that they are most similar. And propose to follow them. I think most people are capable of much, they live a less stressful life."
Source lovelyyy_lina / twitter
Photos on the preview Brett Phillips,
According to the materials of dailymail.co.uk
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