The benefit of a sauna
Sauna — traditional Finnish sauna — is known all around the world. For Finns, sauna is a sacred word, a place where peace reigns, there must not quarrel and sort things out. "Steam disperses in anger" — say the Finns. And dry steam is exactly what differentiates the sauna from the Russian and Turkish baths.
Steam refreshes the body and soothes the soul. Wood evolves good smells, enhances the therapeutic effect of sauna on human health. Traditional Finnish sauna heated with firewood. Wood burning stove creates a favorable microclimate, which is especially appreciated by true fans of the sauna. The room is heated quickly but cools down just as quickly. To keep warm, the furnace overlaid with stone. Wrong lined with wood burning stove can handle the flue gases inside the sauna, and even cause a fire. In addition, at one time you have to burn more than two dozen kilograms of firewood, and it is convenient only where the fuel is called, near by. A real sauna is able to purify both body and soul.
The positive impact of the sauna on health are obvious: the heat opens skin pores and removes toxins from the body. It is very useful to relax in the sauna after exercise and sports. Sauna is also a cosmetic skin care. After regular visits to the sauna the skin becomes elastic and healthy. Before the sauna you need to take a shower, but no soap, which washes away the fatty film that protects our skin from drying out. But in any case, do not wet your hair before entering the steam room, so as not to cause overheating of the head. After dry wiping body.
Be sure to wear upon the head a towel or a special hat — this will prevent heat stroke. Going into the steam room, lie on the top shelf, because the temperatures need to get used to gradually. It is better to lie down in a horizontal position, to relax the muscles. Moreover, you should lie down so that his feet were just above his head. The first call should last no more than 10 minutes, but if you have five minutes blacked, out that each organism has its own peculiarities. Again it is better to lie on the lowest rung, to lie, to keep your body at the same temperatures. Don't talk, try to relax. To stand with shelves should be easy, after sitting a few seconds previously. After the first time you go under cold shower or in the pool (10-25 degrees), then a good idea to take a hot shower for fifteen minutes. Then rest for 20 minutes. You can drink tea with honey, kvass, mineral water, herbal tea. It is better to go 15 minutes to the massage therapist, which will result in divine form tired of computer neck, overworked muscles and work with your chronic injuries and bruises.
After the second call to the sauna for 10-15 minutes (with brooms) again, a cold shower, rest and third set. Then comes a well-deserved rest, you can visit the Solarium. By the way, people, suffering from overweight, it is better to do more visits to the sauna, but with less duration. As for the food, here the same advice — want to get dropped pounds left and never came back, do not eat in the sauna at all. The cycle of treatments in the sauna takes 2-3 hours, you can be patient, but the effect is obvious.
Source: /users/117

Steam refreshes the body and soothes the soul. Wood evolves good smells, enhances the therapeutic effect of sauna on human health. Traditional Finnish sauna heated with firewood. Wood burning stove creates a favorable microclimate, which is especially appreciated by true fans of the sauna. The room is heated quickly but cools down just as quickly. To keep warm, the furnace overlaid with stone. Wrong lined with wood burning stove can handle the flue gases inside the sauna, and even cause a fire. In addition, at one time you have to burn more than two dozen kilograms of firewood, and it is convenient only where the fuel is called, near by. A real sauna is able to purify both body and soul.

The positive impact of the sauna on health are obvious: the heat opens skin pores and removes toxins from the body. It is very useful to relax in the sauna after exercise and sports. Sauna is also a cosmetic skin care. After regular visits to the sauna the skin becomes elastic and healthy. Before the sauna you need to take a shower, but no soap, which washes away the fatty film that protects our skin from drying out. But in any case, do not wet your hair before entering the steam room, so as not to cause overheating of the head. After dry wiping body.

Be sure to wear upon the head a towel or a special hat — this will prevent heat stroke. Going into the steam room, lie on the top shelf, because the temperatures need to get used to gradually. It is better to lie down in a horizontal position, to relax the muscles. Moreover, you should lie down so that his feet were just above his head. The first call should last no more than 10 minutes, but if you have five minutes blacked, out that each organism has its own peculiarities. Again it is better to lie on the lowest rung, to lie, to keep your body at the same temperatures. Don't talk, try to relax. To stand with shelves should be easy, after sitting a few seconds previously. After the first time you go under cold shower or in the pool (10-25 degrees), then a good idea to take a hot shower for fifteen minutes. Then rest for 20 minutes. You can drink tea with honey, kvass, mineral water, herbal tea. It is better to go 15 minutes to the massage therapist, which will result in divine form tired of computer neck, overworked muscles and work with your chronic injuries and bruises.

After the second call to the sauna for 10-15 minutes (with brooms) again, a cold shower, rest and third set. Then comes a well-deserved rest, you can visit the Solarium. By the way, people, suffering from overweight, it is better to do more visits to the sauna, but with less duration. As for the food, here the same advice — want to get dropped pounds left and never came back, do not eat in the sauna at all. The cycle of treatments in the sauna takes 2-3 hours, you can be patient, but the effect is obvious.
Source: /users/117