Insomnia in children

If you expect that your always active baby will get tired for a stormy day and will sleep soundly from evening to morning, but this was not the case! It seems that the child is tired during the day, but still does not fall asleep, constantly demanding attention. The causes of insomnia in a child can be enough, ranging from a general deterioration in health to a severe emotional state.

Therefore, first it is necessary to deal with the cause, and do not rush to scold the baby for the fact that he is capricious and does not want to go to bed. Think about the fact that the psyche of the baby is still very tender, so the child is extremely impressionable, it is easy to shock or frighten. If you notice that the baby is worried, nervous, angry, he is depressed or upset, it is better to ask him what bothers him so much, and quickly try to overcome these fears, explain to the crumb that the things that frighten him are not dangerous or terrible. You need your child to get rid of the stress accumulated during the day and feel out of danger.

It happens that parents think that the baby is not too tired and played for the day and needs to get rid of excess energy. Therefore, they come up with different games for their baby, so that he runs, jumps, makes noise and even more tired. And now, when it comes time to go to bed, the child is tired, even overworked, but can not fall asleep, because of active entertainment, he is too excited. To fall asleep, the baby must first calm down, relax and only then prepare for sleep. The golden rule of people forever losing weight and fans of a healthy lifestyle is not to eat four hours before bedtime, very relevant if we are talking about childhood insomnia. If you fed your child before bed fatty and heavy food, be prepared for a night without sleep next to the crumb.

Therefore, the most important thing is to take care of the proper diet of the child, and also, you need to make sure that the baby adheres to the daily routine compiled by the mother and does not eat when he wants. This does not mean that if a child wants to eat an hour before bedtime, you should ignore it! Just offer your baby something light and not fat. It is important that the child goes to bed at the same time, so it will be easier to fall asleep. It is important that the baby has a certain list of actions that you need to perform before going to bed (brush your teeth, wash, go to the toilet, put your things in the closet, kiss your parents, etc.), which he must perform day after day before going to bed. After all, such actions calm the child, give him confidence that everything is going according to plan, which means that everything is normal, stable and calm.

The child should like his bed, so you need to lay there beautiful sleeping clothes, it is better that it was special for children, with your favorite cartoon characters, put your favorite toy, turn on a beautiful nightclub. Before bed, read a fairy tale, kiss the child and be sure to say good night.

Source: /users/117


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