The exercise "Caterpillar" against flatfoot
If your child was diagnosed with flat feet, don't panic. There are so many tips and methods when treating disorders of the foot. More on that later. As for practical advice. The first thing you should buy a proper orthopedic shoes. The main thing here is natural material. In addition, you need to order orthopedic insole even in Slippers.
From time to time, let the kid run on the beach sand, pebbles, stones. This procedure produces a very good natural massage. A good tool in the fight against flat feet there daily intake of warm baths with sea salt. The duration of this procedure should be approximately ten minutes, then seconds to do a special massage. You should start with the thigh, then stretch your Shin and ankle. Then you need to go to the feet: massaging pillows of fingers, then each finger separately.
But one of the most important points in the treatment of this disease is physiotherapy. In addition to all previously known movements that help to create the right foot, in the form of games you can perform very interesting and effective exercises. Among them we would like to highlight the "caterpillar". The essence of the exercise is very simple – the kid sitting on the floor with knees bent. Bending the fingers of his feet, he pulls the heel forward, then straightens his fingers, and repeats the motion (simulation of the progress of the caterpillar). Exercise should be performed with both feet.
Well in the complex to the "caterpillar" to include more exercise called "the rink" — the child rolls kicking the ball back and forth. Walking on your heels will only strengthen the therapeutic effect.
Source: /users/147

From time to time, let the kid run on the beach sand, pebbles, stones. This procedure produces a very good natural massage. A good tool in the fight against flat feet there daily intake of warm baths with sea salt. The duration of this procedure should be approximately ten minutes, then seconds to do a special massage. You should start with the thigh, then stretch your Shin and ankle. Then you need to go to the feet: massaging pillows of fingers, then each finger separately.

But one of the most important points in the treatment of this disease is physiotherapy. In addition to all previously known movements that help to create the right foot, in the form of games you can perform very interesting and effective exercises. Among them we would like to highlight the "caterpillar". The essence of the exercise is very simple – the kid sitting on the floor with knees bent. Bending the fingers of his feet, he pulls the heel forward, then straightens his fingers, and repeats the motion (simulation of the progress of the caterpillar). Exercise should be performed with both feet.

Well in the complex to the "caterpillar" to include more exercise called "the rink" — the child rolls kicking the ball back and forth. Walking on your heels will only strengthen the therapeutic effect.
Source: /users/147