How to comfort a crying child?
All babies cry. The doctors claim that this is normal. Because when crying, the child expands the lungs, strengthens the chest and neck muscles. However, all parents wish to stop the crying of their babies. Child psychologists to help! Here are their recommendations:
1. Always keep calm. Try to talk to the child. Switch his attention.
2. A gentle hug, caress the baby. Don't be afraid to show your love.
Understanding hear about the reason of crying of the child. Assure that it is always able to help.
4. Ask small to remember something joyful and pleasant.
Remember that it's impossible to spoil a child's strict attention. His attitude parents should create a sense of security and safety.
Source: /users/147

1. Always keep calm. Try to talk to the child. Switch his attention.

2. A gentle hug, caress the baby. Don't be afraid to show your love.

Understanding hear about the reason of crying of the child. Assure that it is always able to help.

4. Ask small to remember something joyful and pleasant.
Remember that it's impossible to spoil a child's strict attention. His attitude parents should create a sense of security and safety.
Source: /users/147
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