Scientists claim that Tetris improves eyesight
At McGill University conducted an experiment which involved 20 adults with amblyopia. It is a disease where one eye sees worse than the other and how would "off" from the process of vision this eye called lazy. Treated amblyopia difficult, glasses and lenses almost help. Canadian researchers decided to go the other way – they came up for the participants a special program of treatment that had for an hour a day for 6 weeks... playing video games. In particular – in your favorite Tetris.
Obladatelei "lazy eye" was divided into two groups: the first played, watching the figures (the contrast is all the time steered) two eyes, the second is just sick. After 6 weeks it turned out that the first group, vision improved in 4 times.
The authors of the study, however, far from the recommendations, everyone go sit at Tetris, and claim that their patients are helped not so much the game itself, how much special training that was performed with pleasure.
Source: /users/559

Obladatelei "lazy eye" was divided into two groups: the first played, watching the figures (the contrast is all the time steered) two eyes, the second is just sick. After 6 weeks it turned out that the first group, vision improved in 4 times.

The authors of the study, however, far from the recommendations, everyone go sit at Tetris, and claim that their patients are helped not so much the game itself, how much special training that was performed with pleasure.

Source: /users/559