Truth and myths about the gluten-free diet

Gluten-free diet is all the rage. But there are people who adhere to techorium power against their will. Wheat flour and To— for them taboo. Adheres to a gluten-free diet a growing number of Hollywood stars such as Miley Cyrus, Gwyneth Paltrow and Anne Hathaway. Celebrities claim that they feel much better, avoiding the consumption of bread, pasta and pastries.Gluten is evil, is the motto.

Experts do not see a gluten-free diet is necessary for healthy people, considering that it's just a fad, which quickly spread on the belief that "gluten-free products are healthier." All lies— perfectly healthy people who eat gluten-free products do not receive any benefits, but deprive themselves of the pleasure of eating good bread, good pasta or a good pie.
The problem is not gluten and excess carbohydrates and eliminating them from the diet for those who want to lose weight. In fact, the system is completely devoid of carbs dramatically reduces some kinds of fruits, milk, vegetables, and legumes. So, there is a need for all, but in moderation is the only way to truly lose weight.
However, people with autoimmune disease celiac disease (gluten intolerance) really has no choice. What is gluten? "Gluten is called protein found mainly in grains of wheat, spelt, rye, barley and oats early," says Ellen Stammer of the German society for celiac disease. Gluten in bread for example provides stickiness and humidity. People diagnosed with celiac disease have a chronic disorder of the small intestine, so they must be excluded from use any products with gluten.

There are many gluten free and natural products, such as rice, fruits and vegetables. The usual baking ingredients you can substitute a gluten-free alternative.For example, plantain flour, soy flour, rice flour, hazelnut flour, amaranth flour and buckwheat. Many low-carb baking recipes also exclude gluten.
What you need to know: gluten-free cookies are very different from the usual in the preparation, says nutritionist Helen, Stemmer. However, to get the tasty cakes, it is recommended that a batter of almond flour, nuts, glitenfree to use a thickener such as a gum from carob or guar gum.
If you want to bake gluten-free for the first time, you should try your hand at basic recipes, instead of complicated creations. Currently there is a special baking mix, where thickeners and binders for better taste included.
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