How to live a love story Galina Vishnevskaya and Mstislav Rostropovich
They became husband and wife after four days of meeting and one soul lived a long and happy life. Love the brilliant cellist, intelligent man, gentle lover, caring husband and father of Mstislav Rostropovich and stars of a world Opera scene, the first beauty Galina Vishnevskaya was so bright and beautiful that it probably would be enough not just one but ten lives.
Lilies of the valley and cucumber
The first time they saw each other in the restaurant "Metropol". The rising star of the Bolshoi theatre and the young cellist was among the guests at the reception of foreign delegations. Mstislav Rostropovich remembered: "I Lift up my eyes, and to me from the stairs comes the goddess... I'm speechless. And in the same moment decided that I will have the woman".
When Vishnevskaya was going to leave, Rostropovich strongly suggested to hold it. "By the way, I'm married!"warned him Vishnevskaya. "By the way, we'll see!"he replied to her. Then there was the festival "Prague spring" where there was all the most important. There Vishnevskaya finally saw him: "Hodosi, glasses, very distinctive intelligent face, young but already balding, elegant, she recalled. — As it turned out, knowing that I'm flying to Prague, he took all his jackets and ties and changed them morning and evening, hoping to impress".
At dinner at the Prague restaurant Rostropovich noticed that his lady "was heavy on the pickles". Preparing for the final conversation, cellist snuck into the room of the singer and put it in her wardrobe a crystal vase, filled it with a huge number of lilies of the valley and... pickles. All this was attached an explanatory note to say: don't know how you would react to such a bouquet, so I to ensure the success of the enterprise, decided to add pickles, you love them so!..
Galina Vishnevskaya recalled: "In the course went all that is possible — to the last penny of his per diem he threw at my feet. In the literal sense of the word. One day we went walking in the garden in the top center of Prague. And suddenly — high wall. Rostropovich says, “Let's go over the fence”. I answered: “are You crazy? I, the prima Donna of the Bolshoi theatre, over the fence?”. And he to me: “I'll have you hooked, and then jumps you there and get caught.” Rostropovich I was hooked, and over the wall and shouts: “come on!” — “Look, what a puddle here! Rain just passed!”. Then he takes off his light coat and throws it on the ground. And I this coat the past. He rushed me to win. And I won".
Forty eight million six hundred sixty four thousand five hundred sixty three
"Every time I look at the Gal again, I'll marry her»
It was a whirlwind romance. Four days later they were back in Moscow, Rostropovich put the question squarely: "Either you're gonna come live with me — or you don't love me and everything between us is over". And the Vishnevskaya — 10 years of reliable marriage, a faithful and caring husband mark Ilyich Rubin, Director of the Leningrad operetta theatre. They have been through a lot together — he did not sleep day and night, trying to get the medication that helped save her from tuberculosis, their only son died shortly after birth.
The situation was difficult, and then she just ran away. Sent my husband out for a strawberry, and she left in a suitcase with Bathrobe, Slippers that hit and run. "But where to go? I even don't know the address, recalled Galina Pavlovna. — Calling Glory from the corridor: “Glory! I'm coming for you!”. He shouts: “I'm waiting!”. And I'm yelling: “I don't know where to go!”. He dictates: street Nemirovicha-Danchenko, such a house. I'm down the stairs running like crazy, legs are trembling, I don't know how his head is not broke. The village and shout: “Street Nemirovich-Danchenko!” And the taxi driver stared at me and said, “Yes, you can walk — it's just down there, around the corner.” And I shout: “I don't know, you take me, please, I'll pay you!"".
And here the car pulled up to the house of Rostropovich. Vishneve met his sister Veronica. He went to the store. Went to the apartment, open the door and there was mommy, Sophia Nikolaevna, standing in a nightgown, with the eternal "white sea" in the corner of his mouth, gray braid up to the knee, one hand already in her robe, the other way in the sleeve can not get the excitement... Son is three minutes ago declared: "Now my wife will come!".
"She sat so awkwardly on a chair, — said Galina Pavlovna, — and I sat on my suitcase. And all of a sudden cried and cried. In the voice of wail!!! Then the door opens — is Rostropovich. Of shopping bags have a stick of some kind of fish tails and a bottle of champagne. Yells: “Well, I met her!"".
When Rostropovich recorded in the district registry office at the place of residence Vishnevskaya your marriage Registrar immediately recognize the famous Bolshoi theatre and asked for whom she was getting married. Seeing pretty nondescript groom, the receptionist smiled sympathetically Vishnevskaya and barely reading the name "Ro... Stro... HIV", said to him: "Well, comrade, you now have the last opportunity to change his name". Mstislav Leopoldovich politely thanked her for her participation, but the name refused to change.
"I'm giving birth!»
"When I told Glory that we will have a child his happiness knew no bounds. He immediately grabbed a volume of Shakespeare's sonnets and enthusiastically began I read them that I, not losing minutes, felt great and began to create something as sublime and beautiful. Since this book was on the bedside table, and like a Nightingale over the solovikha sings at night when she broods the Chicks and my husband to sleep read me a sonnet."
"It is time to give away. Thank at this time was on tour in England. And he begged, insisted, demanded, begged, so I definitely waited for him. “I'm giving birth!” he shouted me into the phone. And the funny thing, demanded it and from other representatives of the “woman's Kingdom” — from mother and sisters, as if they were able by magic to stop the contractions, they have me start.
And I waited! On March 17 he returned home, inspired by the success of the tour, happy and proud that home petticoat government fulfilled all its orders: wife, barely moving, sitting in a chair waiting for his master. And that's how a magician from the magic box there are all kinds of miracles and Clavinova suitcase flew to me a fantastic silk shawl, perfume, and even some incredibly beautiful things that I had not time to consider, and finally spilled out luxurious fur coat and fell on my lap. I just gasped in amazement and could not say a word, and shining the Glory went around and explained:
— This is going to your eyes... From this you get the concert dress. But the only matter I saw, it was clear to me that this is just for you. Here you can see how well that waited for me, I am always right. Now you will have a good mood and you will be easier to give birth. As soon as it becomes very painful, you think about some beautiful dress and it will pass.
It's just bursting with pride and pleasure that he was such a wonderful, such a rich husband that could give me such beautiful things, what no one actress of the theater. I knew that my "rich" husband and, as already wrote in the British newspaper, "the genius Rostropovich", to be able to buy me all these gifts, certainly within two weeks of the tour have never had lunch, because they had received for the concert 80 pounds, and the rest of the money... handed over to the Soviet Embassy".
March 18, 1956, was born their first daughter. Galina Pavlovna recalls: "I wanted to call her Catherine, but I got the Glory plaintive note. “I beg you not to do it. We can't call her Catherine for serious technical reasons — in fact I the letter “R” does not utter, and she will still tease me. Let's call her Olga". And two years later was born the second girl called Elena.
Classic Domostroi
"Father, he was extremely gentle and caring, yet very strict. Reached the tragicomedies: Thank very much toured, and I tried to reason with him, explaining how he needed his younger daughters. “Yeah, you're right!” he agreed... and started a natural class. He called girls. Lena's eyes were wet, just in case. But Olga was his colleague, a cellist, a very lively girl, always ready to fight back. All three solemnly disappeared in the office and a quarter of an hour from there came the shouting, flew Rostropovich, grabs his heart, and behind him the roaring children.
He adored his daughters, was jealous of them and to them in the country, not the boys climbed over the fence, planted around the bushes with large thorns. He was engaged in this important issue seriously and even consulted specialists until I finally found a reliable variety that, as he explained to me all the Cavaliers shreds his pants on the thorns left.
He absolutely could not see jeans on girls: don't like the fact that they tight Asses, seduce boys; and I said, why did you bring them from abroad. And now, having arrived after a matinee at the cottage, I found there is total darkness and mourning. On the ground crept a thick black smoke, outside on the porch of our wooden house burned out campfire. On the floor lay a pile of ashes, and above it stood three solemn Glory and blubbered Olga and Lena. A handful of ashes is all that remains of the jeans. And yet, despite its severity, little girls idolized father."
Eighty three million three hundred forty eight thousand nine
Four days
Ahead of them was happy, but a very difficult time: friendship with the disgraced Solzhenitsyn, the deprivation of citizenship of the USSR, the wanderings, the success and relevance on the world music scene, the arrival of Mstislav Rostropovich in Moscow during the August 1991 coup, returning to the new Russia.
Rostropovich was never afraid to show his attitude to power. One day after a triumphant tour in the United States, he was invited to the Soviet Embassy and explained that the lion's share of the fee, he must submit to the Embassy. Rostropovich did not mind, he just asked his Manager to buy the entire fee porcelain vase and in the evening to deliver it to the Embassy, where there was an appointment. Brought unimaginable beauty vase, Rostropovich took it, admired and... let go. The vase hit the marble floor, shattered into pieces. Choosing one of them and carefully wrapped in a handkerchief, he said to the Ambassador: "It is mine, and the rest is yours."
Another case — Mstislav Leopoldovich always wanted on tour, he was accompanied by his wife. However, the Ministry of culture, his request was invariably denied. Then friends advised me to write the petition, saying that because of my poor health I ask to allow me on the trip was accompanied by his wife. Rostropovich wrote: "Because of my perfect health I ask that I trip abroad was accompanied by his wife Galina Vishnevskaya".
...The Golden wedding of the star couple celebrated in the restaurant "Metropol", where Vyacheslav Leopoldovich first saw my goddess. Rostropovich showed guests a check for $ 40, which he was awarded the "reader's digest". The reporter, when interviewing him, asked: "is it True that you married Vishnevskaya four days after the first time you saw her? What do you think about this?". Rostropovich said: "I am very sorry that we lost those four days."
Fifty one million nine hundred twenty thousand six hundred eight
Source: lady.mail.ru/article/450807-istorii-ljubvi-galina-vishnevskaja-i-mstislav-rostropovich/
Lilies of the valley and cucumber
The first time they saw each other in the restaurant "Metropol". The rising star of the Bolshoi theatre and the young cellist was among the guests at the reception of foreign delegations. Mstislav Rostropovich remembered: "I Lift up my eyes, and to me from the stairs comes the goddess... I'm speechless. And in the same moment decided that I will have the woman".
When Vishnevskaya was going to leave, Rostropovich strongly suggested to hold it. "By the way, I'm married!"warned him Vishnevskaya. "By the way, we'll see!"he replied to her. Then there was the festival "Prague spring" where there was all the most important. There Vishnevskaya finally saw him: "Hodosi, glasses, very distinctive intelligent face, young but already balding, elegant, she recalled. — As it turned out, knowing that I'm flying to Prague, he took all his jackets and ties and changed them morning and evening, hoping to impress".
At dinner at the Prague restaurant Rostropovich noticed that his lady "was heavy on the pickles". Preparing for the final conversation, cellist snuck into the room of the singer and put it in her wardrobe a crystal vase, filled it with a huge number of lilies of the valley and... pickles. All this was attached an explanatory note to say: don't know how you would react to such a bouquet, so I to ensure the success of the enterprise, decided to add pickles, you love them so!..
Galina Vishnevskaya recalled: "In the course went all that is possible — to the last penny of his per diem he threw at my feet. In the literal sense of the word. One day we went walking in the garden in the top center of Prague. And suddenly — high wall. Rostropovich says, “Let's go over the fence”. I answered: “are You crazy? I, the prima Donna of the Bolshoi theatre, over the fence?”. And he to me: “I'll have you hooked, and then jumps you there and get caught.” Rostropovich I was hooked, and over the wall and shouts: “come on!” — “Look, what a puddle here! Rain just passed!”. Then he takes off his light coat and throws it on the ground. And I this coat the past. He rushed me to win. And I won".
Forty eight million six hundred sixty four thousand five hundred sixty three
"Every time I look at the Gal again, I'll marry her»
It was a whirlwind romance. Four days later they were back in Moscow, Rostropovich put the question squarely: "Either you're gonna come live with me — or you don't love me and everything between us is over". And the Vishnevskaya — 10 years of reliable marriage, a faithful and caring husband mark Ilyich Rubin, Director of the Leningrad operetta theatre. They have been through a lot together — he did not sleep day and night, trying to get the medication that helped save her from tuberculosis, their only son died shortly after birth.
The situation was difficult, and then she just ran away. Sent my husband out for a strawberry, and she left in a suitcase with Bathrobe, Slippers that hit and run. "But where to go? I even don't know the address, recalled Galina Pavlovna. — Calling Glory from the corridor: “Glory! I'm coming for you!”. He shouts: “I'm waiting!”. And I'm yelling: “I don't know where to go!”. He dictates: street Nemirovicha-Danchenko, such a house. I'm down the stairs running like crazy, legs are trembling, I don't know how his head is not broke. The village and shout: “Street Nemirovich-Danchenko!” And the taxi driver stared at me and said, “Yes, you can walk — it's just down there, around the corner.” And I shout: “I don't know, you take me, please, I'll pay you!"".
And here the car pulled up to the house of Rostropovich. Vishneve met his sister Veronica. He went to the store. Went to the apartment, open the door and there was mommy, Sophia Nikolaevna, standing in a nightgown, with the eternal "white sea" in the corner of his mouth, gray braid up to the knee, one hand already in her robe, the other way in the sleeve can not get the excitement... Son is three minutes ago declared: "Now my wife will come!".
"She sat so awkwardly on a chair, — said Galina Pavlovna, — and I sat on my suitcase. And all of a sudden cried and cried. In the voice of wail!!! Then the door opens — is Rostropovich. Of shopping bags have a stick of some kind of fish tails and a bottle of champagne. Yells: “Well, I met her!"".
When Rostropovich recorded in the district registry office at the place of residence Vishnevskaya your marriage Registrar immediately recognize the famous Bolshoi theatre and asked for whom she was getting married. Seeing pretty nondescript groom, the receptionist smiled sympathetically Vishnevskaya and barely reading the name "Ro... Stro... HIV", said to him: "Well, comrade, you now have the last opportunity to change his name". Mstislav Leopoldovich politely thanked her for her participation, but the name refused to change.
"I'm giving birth!»
"When I told Glory that we will have a child his happiness knew no bounds. He immediately grabbed a volume of Shakespeare's sonnets and enthusiastically began I read them that I, not losing minutes, felt great and began to create something as sublime and beautiful. Since this book was on the bedside table, and like a Nightingale over the solovikha sings at night when she broods the Chicks and my husband to sleep read me a sonnet."
"It is time to give away. Thank at this time was on tour in England. And he begged, insisted, demanded, begged, so I definitely waited for him. “I'm giving birth!” he shouted me into the phone. And the funny thing, demanded it and from other representatives of the “woman's Kingdom” — from mother and sisters, as if they were able by magic to stop the contractions, they have me start.
And I waited! On March 17 he returned home, inspired by the success of the tour, happy and proud that home petticoat government fulfilled all its orders: wife, barely moving, sitting in a chair waiting for his master. And that's how a magician from the magic box there are all kinds of miracles and Clavinova suitcase flew to me a fantastic silk shawl, perfume, and even some incredibly beautiful things that I had not time to consider, and finally spilled out luxurious fur coat and fell on my lap. I just gasped in amazement and could not say a word, and shining the Glory went around and explained:
— This is going to your eyes... From this you get the concert dress. But the only matter I saw, it was clear to me that this is just for you. Here you can see how well that waited for me, I am always right. Now you will have a good mood and you will be easier to give birth. As soon as it becomes very painful, you think about some beautiful dress and it will pass.
It's just bursting with pride and pleasure that he was such a wonderful, such a rich husband that could give me such beautiful things, what no one actress of the theater. I knew that my "rich" husband and, as already wrote in the British newspaper, "the genius Rostropovich", to be able to buy me all these gifts, certainly within two weeks of the tour have never had lunch, because they had received for the concert 80 pounds, and the rest of the money... handed over to the Soviet Embassy".
March 18, 1956, was born their first daughter. Galina Pavlovna recalls: "I wanted to call her Catherine, but I got the Glory plaintive note. “I beg you not to do it. We can't call her Catherine for serious technical reasons — in fact I the letter “R” does not utter, and she will still tease me. Let's call her Olga". And two years later was born the second girl called Elena.
Classic Domostroi
"Father, he was extremely gentle and caring, yet very strict. Reached the tragicomedies: Thank very much toured, and I tried to reason with him, explaining how he needed his younger daughters. “Yeah, you're right!” he agreed... and started a natural class. He called girls. Lena's eyes were wet, just in case. But Olga was his colleague, a cellist, a very lively girl, always ready to fight back. All three solemnly disappeared in the office and a quarter of an hour from there came the shouting, flew Rostropovich, grabs his heart, and behind him the roaring children.
He adored his daughters, was jealous of them and to them in the country, not the boys climbed over the fence, planted around the bushes with large thorns. He was engaged in this important issue seriously and even consulted specialists until I finally found a reliable variety that, as he explained to me all the Cavaliers shreds his pants on the thorns left.
He absolutely could not see jeans on girls: don't like the fact that they tight Asses, seduce boys; and I said, why did you bring them from abroad. And now, having arrived after a matinee at the cottage, I found there is total darkness and mourning. On the ground crept a thick black smoke, outside on the porch of our wooden house burned out campfire. On the floor lay a pile of ashes, and above it stood three solemn Glory and blubbered Olga and Lena. A handful of ashes is all that remains of the jeans. And yet, despite its severity, little girls idolized father."
Eighty three million three hundred forty eight thousand nine
Four days
Ahead of them was happy, but a very difficult time: friendship with the disgraced Solzhenitsyn, the deprivation of citizenship of the USSR, the wanderings, the success and relevance on the world music scene, the arrival of Mstislav Rostropovich in Moscow during the August 1991 coup, returning to the new Russia.
Rostropovich was never afraid to show his attitude to power. One day after a triumphant tour in the United States, he was invited to the Soviet Embassy and explained that the lion's share of the fee, he must submit to the Embassy. Rostropovich did not mind, he just asked his Manager to buy the entire fee porcelain vase and in the evening to deliver it to the Embassy, where there was an appointment. Brought unimaginable beauty vase, Rostropovich took it, admired and... let go. The vase hit the marble floor, shattered into pieces. Choosing one of them and carefully wrapped in a handkerchief, he said to the Ambassador: "It is mine, and the rest is yours."
Another case — Mstislav Leopoldovich always wanted on tour, he was accompanied by his wife. However, the Ministry of culture, his request was invariably denied. Then friends advised me to write the petition, saying that because of my poor health I ask to allow me on the trip was accompanied by his wife. Rostropovich wrote: "Because of my perfect health I ask that I trip abroad was accompanied by his wife Galina Vishnevskaya".
...The Golden wedding of the star couple celebrated in the restaurant "Metropol", where Vyacheslav Leopoldovich first saw my goddess. Rostropovich showed guests a check for $ 40, which he was awarded the "reader's digest". The reporter, when interviewing him, asked: "is it True that you married Vishnevskaya four days after the first time you saw her? What do you think about this?". Rostropovich said: "I am very sorry that we lost those four days."
Fifty one million nine hundred twenty thousand six hundred eight
Source: lady.mail.ru/article/450807-istorii-ljubvi-galina-vishnevskaja-i-mstislav-rostropovich/