Famous and well-known people, who did not in 2012
Singer Whitney Houston
August 9, 1963 - February 11, 2012
Fact: in the Guinness Book of Records Whitney Houston appears as a singer,
gathered during his stage career, winning the largest number of
Quote: "I can not sing," the black, "and do not know what a" white music ».
Music has no color »
One of the most commercially successful singers in pop music history, the star of the movie "The Bodyguard»
(Partner - Hollywood actor and director Kevin Costner) has died at the Beverly Hilton
on the eve of the 45th awards ceremony «Grammy».
The basic version of death - Whitney Houston drowned in the bathtub after a cocaine poisoning.
Actor Alexander Porokhovshchikov
January 31, 1939 - April 15, 2012
Fact: Alexander Porohovschikova grandfather on the maternal side -
Alexander Porokhovshchikov
- Was the creator and owner of the restaurant "Slavic Bazaar»
Quote: "Memory - the most important thing. Of course, the past can not live.
But it is necessary to rely on the past »
Most viewers fell in love with the actor for his role in the cult film
Nikita Mikhalkov's "At Home Among Strangers»,
Although his character Chekist Kungurov after dubbing the tape spoke of another great voice actor -
Igor Kvasha (and died in 2012).
But Porokhovshchikov was no less successful director. He took six movies, including 1989 -
autobiographical film "Censorship memory do not accept»
(on which he founded one of the first private film studios in the USSR Creative experimental workshop "Rodina»),
and in 1992 - at the time a popular thriller "Thirtieth destroy».
Stylist Vidal Sassoon
January 17 1928 - May 9, 2012
Fact: in 1948, 20-year-old Vidal Sassoon participated in the war
for Israel's independence, and in 1992 he founded the International
Vidal Sassoon Center for the Study of Anti-Semitism (SISCA)
Quote: "The only place where prosperity precedes work - a dictionary»
Vidal Sassoon rose to prominence in the 50's, when the famous designer
Mary Kwan invited him to participate in her fashion show,
who coined the mini-skirt. World aka Sassoon
brought hair, he made Hollywood star Mia Farrow.
Under his name Procter & Gamble Company produced the famous shampoo,
However, in the early 2000s, this cooperation has disintegrated:
Sassoon sued the manufacturer, claiming that he was not too
actively promoting the "name" shampoo in favor of other brands.
Singer Eduard Khil
September 4, 1934 - June 4, 2012
Fact: from Smolensk, where the family lived Hiley,
eight-Edward were evacuated in less than two hours before,
the city was occupied by German troops
Quote: "If someone thinks that the art created for entertainment,
he is mistaken. Art must educate.
Now the art of time and Losers troechnikov »
Eduard Gil in his creative life has repeatedly been at the peak of glory.
The first came in the 1970 th, when the recorded singer hit
"Winter" ("The ceiling of ice, creaking door ...") sounded throughout the Soviet Union.
And the last one was quite unexpected:
in 2010 on the Internet is widely dispersed in the video Gil vocalize
Arkady Ostrovsky, "I am very happy that I'm finally back home»,
gathered a few months to 5 million views in Youtube and brought the singer the nickname "Mr. Trololo».
Writer Ray Bradbury
August 22, 1920 - June 5, 2012
Fact: Bradbury wrote 13 fiction novels (the first - in 1950, the last - in 2006),
over 400 fiction stories and novels and 21 play, not counting
children's books, screenplays and other literary works.
Quote: "The main thing for me - do not cease to surprise.
Before going to bed I'll definitely give myself a mandate early in the morning to discover something amazing »
About to become a writer, Bradbury thought in 20 years, and at age 23 began to acquire the writer's trade.
He had no education other than high school,
and he referred to himself as a man who had graduated from the college library instead.
But all this did not prevent Bradbury to become the "Grand master»
fiction (the title he was awarded in 1988 with the Hugo Award)
and the owner of another prestigious award - Nebula (in 1954 for the novel "Fahrenheit 451»).
Designer Sergio Pininfarina
September 8, 1926 - July 3, 2012
Fact: In 1991, in Detroit, Sergio Pininfarina
It was awarded Designer Lifetime Achievement Award
as the best car designers in the world
Quote: "Good design - a synonym of vitality.
The better the design, the longer the life of the product.
Beautiful car, as well as a charming woman, always beautiful »
Company Carrozzeria Pinin Farina, to create a body for the best Italian cars, in 1930 he founded the father Sergio
- Car designer Battista Farina, nicknamed "Pinin" ("junior»).
In 1961, the President of the Italian Republic allowed the family members
famous entrepreneurs from Turin to add the father's nickname
to his name - so there was a dynasty Pininfarina. In 1950 he graduated from the Polytechnic University of Sergio
Turin in "engineering" and began working in the studio of his father, and after his death in 1996 took over the company.
Directed by Piotr Fomenko
July 13, 1932 - August 9, 2012
Fact: Pyotr Fomenko was in 1953 expelled from the third year of the School of Moscow Art Theatre for "hooliganism»
Quote: "lived life - is baggage, it should be stored.
All losses, mistakes, failures, sometimes lesions are more successes »
During his nearly 55-year career as director Piotr Fomenko staged
More than 60 performances, prepared and issued four sets
students of his studio at the directing department GITIS (RATA),
but he was able to create his own theater in 1993 alone.
Nevertheless, to this day, and his theater, and his disciples are called general
the name "Fomenko," but the methods and approaches of the famous director used his
no less famous students - Sergey Zhenovach Vladimir Epifantsev Elena Nevezhina other.
The actor Bohdan Stupka
27 August 1941 - July 22, 2012
Fact: before come in Lviv Ukrainian Academic Drama Theatre,
Bohdan Stupka worked as a photographer at the astronomical laboratory
Quote: "I look forward to the public,
because in itself it is possible to sit on the toilet - and the play itself, as you want »
For 42 years of work in the theater and film Bogdan Stupka played about 60 roles in productions and more than 110 roles in movies.
The first cinematic debut - the role of Orestes in the film
"White Bird with Black Mark" - brought Stupka fame,
but only the actor was honored with 15 awards and prizes, including the "Nicky" and "Golden Eagle" (three times). In post-Soviet
Ukraine Bohdan Stupka was not only the Minister of Culture
(1999-2001 years), but also one of the most famous and sought-after actors
(in 2011, on the eve of the 70th anniversary, he was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine), and actively acted in Russian tapes.
Late masterpiece is considered his role in the drama of Russian director Dmitry Meshieva "their" (2004).
The physicist Sergei Kapitsa
February 14, 1928 - August 14, 2012
Fact: In 1986 Sergei Kapitsa almost became
assassinated madman scientist who attacked with an ax at the moment,
When Kapitsa went on a break from the lecture hall MIPT
Quote: "Attempts to draw the largest
advances in science as someone's discoveries - is just a way to satisfy the vanity of their authors.
In fact, these achievements belong to humanity as a whole »
Sergei Kapitsa - son of the famous physicist, one of
the founders of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT),
Nobel laureate Peter Kapitza - was born in Cambridge,
where his father was a scientist, he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute
and much of his life dedicated to the popularization of science.
He was the undisputed master of popular science program
"Obvious - unbelievable," head of the department of general physics
MIPT, and in the last few months before his death he wrote the work on demography.
The writer Harry Harrison
March 12, 1925 - August 15, 2012
Fact: Harry Harrison - the world's author,
that is an alias used his real name
(in fact, the writer called Henry Maxwell Dempsey)
Quote: "There is always this: to fight old men send young.
Would put into operation not less than fifty years old, all the time would have stopped the war »
Harrison became a professional writer in 30 years,
and his artistic career had time to write and publish 35 novels
and more than 200 stories. The most famous cycle of his works
They became "The World of Death" (8 novels) and "Steel Rat" (11 novels). Notably,
Harry Harrison was awarded the "Nebula", but ... for the film,
delivered on his novel "Move over! Move over! »,
although later he was awarded the title of "Grand Master", "Nebula" for special merits in the field of science fiction.
Directed by Tony Scott
June 21, 1944 - August 19, 2012
Fact: The first major success of the director
Tony Scott brought the movie "Top Gun" for the shooting in which the artist
starring Tom Cruise received a fee of $ 1
Quote: "I am considered to be a man,
too seeking to diversity - and on a variety of the category "classics" will not get »
Hollywood director Tony Scott was the younger brother of another famous
director - Ridley Scott. Unlike his brother Tony for his career
experienced a series of ups and downs a few: for
successful films followed quite regularly failing.
Among the biggest successes include the Tony Scott movie "Top Gun»,
"The Last Boy Scout," "Beverly Hills 2", "True Love" and
"Crimson Tide." The summer of 2012, Tony Scott suddenly to
all committed suicide by throwing himself from the Vincent Thomas Bridge in Los Angeles.
If you believe the Hollywood media probable cause
Suicide could be an incurable cancer of.
Astronaut Neil Armstrong
5 August 1930 - 25 August 2012
Fact: Neil Armstrong - the first man to walk on the moon July 21, 1969
Quote: "This is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind»
Behind Neil Armstrong was the Korean War, in which he,
Pilot combat aircraft made 78 sorties and once was shot down in a dogfight.
After 11 years of participation in the US space program in 1969
Armstrong was appointed commander of a flight on board the "Apollo 11»,
who made the first ever landing on the moon.
It was the last space flight Armstrong: in 1971 he retired from NASA.
Armstrong's ashes buried at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, where the re-entry capsule splashed down "Apollo 11».
Actor Igor Kvasha
February 4, 1933 - August 30 2012
Fact: for his cinematic
career Igor Kvasha than once played a prominent communist leaders:
Joseph Stalin (1995 and 2005), Karl Marx (1966), Yakov Sverdlov (1967-1969)
Quote: "We have been long accustomed to what a pity - a vile feeling ... Yes, on the contrary!
When we feel sorry for another person, or even a dog, a noble feeling, it improves ourselves »
His best role in the movie Igor Kvasha believed Stalin's role in the film of Yuri Sorokin's "Under the Sign of Scorpio».
Although he no longer remembered by moviegoers in other, more
human and likable roles: the mayor in "the very Munchausen»,
Pastor Adams in "The Man from Boulevard des Capucines" old
Prince's "Tales of the old magician" ... The regulars of the theater "Sovremennik»,
in which the actor spent almost all his life - in 1957,
Everyone loved theater as Kvasha, and even many of those who have never seen it on stage,
We knew his voice by working on the radio, where Kvasha read Pushkin, Mayakovsky, Lermontov, Nekrasov.
A wide fame brought him telecast
"Wait for me", leading permanent which he remained until his death.
Gen. Pavel Grachev
January 1, 1948 - September 23, 2012
Fact: Pavel Grachev was the first in the history of
Post-Soviet Russia captain, awarded the title of General of the Army
Quote: "The team to capture the White House was
17th evening ... I'm just at the headquarters of Airborne ... his men gathered ...
We talked it over, and our solution is reduced to the fact that no matter what the order
was, the blood is not shed and did not storm »
Coming from the Airborne Forces, Pavel Grachev had
pass through Afghanistan, where he returned Hero of Soviet Union,
August 1991 coup, the storming of the White House in October 1993 and
the first Chechen campaign. It's the cost position of the first Minister of Defence:
Grachev was dismissed June 17, 1996. He appears in
several controversial matters, including as a witness in the case
the murder of journalist "MK" Dmitry Kholodov, but none
Grachev incriminating public crime was not proven.
The writer Boris Strugatsky
April 15, 1933 - November 19, 2012
Fact: in his times operate
off-line interview on the official website of Boris Strugatsky in the 14 years to 7583 had an answer readers' questions
Quote: "This fantasy - it is a miracle-mystery-the accuracy»
Boris Strugatsky outlived his elder brother Arkady 21 years,
but in that time he has produced only two of his own novel
- All the major works were created by the brothers together.
Of all domestic fiction writers Strugatsky are the
known and recognizable - as well as among all writers,
who worked in collaboration. After the death of dust Strugatsky b
yl according to his will scattered over the heights of Pulkovo near St. Petersburg.
Multiplier Fedor Khitruk
May 1, 1917 - December 3, 2012
Fact: During the Great Patriotic War Fedor Khitruk,
Graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages, he served as a military translator and demobilized only in 1947
Quote: "A cartoon is not a dialogue between two people. This is a conversation with millions »
The animation Khitruk came in 1937 when, after three years
unsuccessful attempts he still managed to get to the studio
"Soyuzmultfilm" on which he worked for a total of almost half a century.
He is best known as the author of the cartoon
Milne's tales embodiment of the bear cub Winnie the Pooh (made in
as writer and director) and the cartoon-parody "Film, Film, Film»,
although only on account Khitruk - about 100 animated films produced in different qualities.
Architect Oscar Niemeyer
December 15, 1907 - December 5, 2012
Fact: a convinced communist, a member of the Brazilian
Communist Party since 1945, Oscar Niemeyer is more than 20 years has lived in exile in France,
yet in his homeland was a military dictatorship
Quote: "I've always liked to draw. When I was a kid, I drew a finger in the air »
One of the most famous architects of the world and became the longest-lived:
he died 10 days before his 105-year anniversary.
Niemeyer's greatest creation was the current capital of Brazil -
Brasilia, designed almost from scratch
(apart from the general development plan, the architect was the author of 13 major
Objects in the new capital). The last building designed by Niemeyer,
- A cultural center in his name was opened in the Spanish city of Aviles in 2011.
The singer Galina Vishnevskaya
October 25, 1926 - December 11, 2012
Fact: During the siege of Leningrad 16-year-old
Galina served parts of the defense, for which in the end of 1942 was awarded the medal
"For the Defense of Leningrad»
Quote: "We are born to die. As
we spend the time between these two events depends on us »
Of the three spouses opera singer, head of the Center of opera singing of Galina
Vishnevskaya was the most famous cello virtuoso
Mstislav Rostropovich (who died in 2007), whom she married in 1955.
After two decades wife,
took an active part in the life of Alexander Solzhenitsyn,
They were forced into exile and returned to Russia only in 1990.
Galina Vishnevskaya - one of the 12 full members of the Order "For Services to the Fatherland»
(Rostropovich won only two awards - I and II degree).

August 9, 1963 - February 11, 2012
Fact: in the Guinness Book of Records Whitney Houston appears as a singer,
gathered during his stage career, winning the largest number of
Quote: "I can not sing," the black, "and do not know what a" white music ».
Music has no color »
One of the most commercially successful singers in pop music history, the star of the movie "The Bodyguard»
(Partner - Hollywood actor and director Kevin Costner) has died at the Beverly Hilton
on the eve of the 45th awards ceremony «Grammy».
The basic version of death - Whitney Houston drowned in the bathtub after a cocaine poisoning.
Actor Alexander Porokhovshchikov

January 31, 1939 - April 15, 2012
Fact: Alexander Porohovschikova grandfather on the maternal side -
Alexander Porokhovshchikov
- Was the creator and owner of the restaurant "Slavic Bazaar»
Quote: "Memory - the most important thing. Of course, the past can not live.
But it is necessary to rely on the past »
Most viewers fell in love with the actor for his role in the cult film
Nikita Mikhalkov's "At Home Among Strangers»,
Although his character Chekist Kungurov after dubbing the tape spoke of another great voice actor -
Igor Kvasha (and died in 2012).
But Porokhovshchikov was no less successful director. He took six movies, including 1989 -
autobiographical film "Censorship memory do not accept»
(on which he founded one of the first private film studios in the USSR Creative experimental workshop "Rodina»),
and in 1992 - at the time a popular thriller "Thirtieth destroy».
Stylist Vidal Sassoon

January 17 1928 - May 9, 2012
Fact: in 1948, 20-year-old Vidal Sassoon participated in the war
for Israel's independence, and in 1992 he founded the International
Vidal Sassoon Center for the Study of Anti-Semitism (SISCA)
Quote: "The only place where prosperity precedes work - a dictionary»
Vidal Sassoon rose to prominence in the 50's, when the famous designer
Mary Kwan invited him to participate in her fashion show,
who coined the mini-skirt. World aka Sassoon
brought hair, he made Hollywood star Mia Farrow.
Under his name Procter & Gamble Company produced the famous shampoo,
However, in the early 2000s, this cooperation has disintegrated:
Sassoon sued the manufacturer, claiming that he was not too
actively promoting the "name" shampoo in favor of other brands.
Singer Eduard Khil

September 4, 1934 - June 4, 2012
Fact: from Smolensk, where the family lived Hiley,
eight-Edward were evacuated in less than two hours before,
the city was occupied by German troops
Quote: "If someone thinks that the art created for entertainment,
he is mistaken. Art must educate.
Now the art of time and Losers troechnikov »
Eduard Gil in his creative life has repeatedly been at the peak of glory.
The first came in the 1970 th, when the recorded singer hit
"Winter" ("The ceiling of ice, creaking door ...") sounded throughout the Soviet Union.
And the last one was quite unexpected:
in 2010 on the Internet is widely dispersed in the video Gil vocalize
Arkady Ostrovsky, "I am very happy that I'm finally back home»,
gathered a few months to 5 million views in Youtube and brought the singer the nickname "Mr. Trololo».
Writer Ray Bradbury

August 22, 1920 - June 5, 2012
Fact: Bradbury wrote 13 fiction novels (the first - in 1950, the last - in 2006),
over 400 fiction stories and novels and 21 play, not counting
children's books, screenplays and other literary works.
Quote: "The main thing for me - do not cease to surprise.
Before going to bed I'll definitely give myself a mandate early in the morning to discover something amazing »
About to become a writer, Bradbury thought in 20 years, and at age 23 began to acquire the writer's trade.
He had no education other than high school,
and he referred to himself as a man who had graduated from the college library instead.
But all this did not prevent Bradbury to become the "Grand master»
fiction (the title he was awarded in 1988 with the Hugo Award)
and the owner of another prestigious award - Nebula (in 1954 for the novel "Fahrenheit 451»).
Designer Sergio Pininfarina

September 8, 1926 - July 3, 2012
Fact: In 1991, in Detroit, Sergio Pininfarina
It was awarded Designer Lifetime Achievement Award
as the best car designers in the world
Quote: "Good design - a synonym of vitality.
The better the design, the longer the life of the product.
Beautiful car, as well as a charming woman, always beautiful »
Company Carrozzeria Pinin Farina, to create a body for the best Italian cars, in 1930 he founded the father Sergio
- Car designer Battista Farina, nicknamed "Pinin" ("junior»).
In 1961, the President of the Italian Republic allowed the family members
famous entrepreneurs from Turin to add the father's nickname
to his name - so there was a dynasty Pininfarina. In 1950 he graduated from the Polytechnic University of Sergio
Turin in "engineering" and began working in the studio of his father, and after his death in 1996 took over the company.
Directed by Piotr Fomenko

July 13, 1932 - August 9, 2012
Fact: Pyotr Fomenko was in 1953 expelled from the third year of the School of Moscow Art Theatre for "hooliganism»
Quote: "lived life - is baggage, it should be stored.
All losses, mistakes, failures, sometimes lesions are more successes »
During his nearly 55-year career as director Piotr Fomenko staged
More than 60 performances, prepared and issued four sets
students of his studio at the directing department GITIS (RATA),
but he was able to create his own theater in 1993 alone.
Nevertheless, to this day, and his theater, and his disciples are called general
the name "Fomenko," but the methods and approaches of the famous director used his
no less famous students - Sergey Zhenovach Vladimir Epifantsev Elena Nevezhina other.
The actor Bohdan Stupka

27 August 1941 - July 22, 2012
Fact: before come in Lviv Ukrainian Academic Drama Theatre,
Bohdan Stupka worked as a photographer at the astronomical laboratory
Quote: "I look forward to the public,
because in itself it is possible to sit on the toilet - and the play itself, as you want »
For 42 years of work in the theater and film Bogdan Stupka played about 60 roles in productions and more than 110 roles in movies.
The first cinematic debut - the role of Orestes in the film
"White Bird with Black Mark" - brought Stupka fame,
but only the actor was honored with 15 awards and prizes, including the "Nicky" and "Golden Eagle" (three times). In post-Soviet
Ukraine Bohdan Stupka was not only the Minister of Culture
(1999-2001 years), but also one of the most famous and sought-after actors
(in 2011, on the eve of the 70th anniversary, he was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine), and actively acted in Russian tapes.
Late masterpiece is considered his role in the drama of Russian director Dmitry Meshieva "their" (2004).
The physicist Sergei Kapitsa

February 14, 1928 - August 14, 2012
Fact: In 1986 Sergei Kapitsa almost became
assassinated madman scientist who attacked with an ax at the moment,
When Kapitsa went on a break from the lecture hall MIPT
Quote: "Attempts to draw the largest
advances in science as someone's discoveries - is just a way to satisfy the vanity of their authors.
In fact, these achievements belong to humanity as a whole »
Sergei Kapitsa - son of the famous physicist, one of
the founders of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT),
Nobel laureate Peter Kapitza - was born in Cambridge,
where his father was a scientist, he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute
and much of his life dedicated to the popularization of science.
He was the undisputed master of popular science program
"Obvious - unbelievable," head of the department of general physics
MIPT, and in the last few months before his death he wrote the work on demography.
The writer Harry Harrison

March 12, 1925 - August 15, 2012
Fact: Harry Harrison - the world's author,
that is an alias used his real name
(in fact, the writer called Henry Maxwell Dempsey)
Quote: "There is always this: to fight old men send young.
Would put into operation not less than fifty years old, all the time would have stopped the war »
Harrison became a professional writer in 30 years,
and his artistic career had time to write and publish 35 novels
and more than 200 stories. The most famous cycle of his works
They became "The World of Death" (8 novels) and "Steel Rat" (11 novels). Notably,
Harry Harrison was awarded the "Nebula", but ... for the film,
delivered on his novel "Move over! Move over! »,
although later he was awarded the title of "Grand Master", "Nebula" for special merits in the field of science fiction.
Directed by Tony Scott

June 21, 1944 - August 19, 2012
Fact: The first major success of the director
Tony Scott brought the movie "Top Gun" for the shooting in which the artist
starring Tom Cruise received a fee of $ 1
Quote: "I am considered to be a man,
too seeking to diversity - and on a variety of the category "classics" will not get »
Hollywood director Tony Scott was the younger brother of another famous
director - Ridley Scott. Unlike his brother Tony for his career
experienced a series of ups and downs a few: for
successful films followed quite regularly failing.
Among the biggest successes include the Tony Scott movie "Top Gun»,
"The Last Boy Scout," "Beverly Hills 2", "True Love" and
"Crimson Tide." The summer of 2012, Tony Scott suddenly to
all committed suicide by throwing himself from the Vincent Thomas Bridge in Los Angeles.
If you believe the Hollywood media probable cause
Suicide could be an incurable cancer of.
Astronaut Neil Armstrong

5 August 1930 - 25 August 2012
Fact: Neil Armstrong - the first man to walk on the moon July 21, 1969
Quote: "This is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind»
Behind Neil Armstrong was the Korean War, in which he,
Pilot combat aircraft made 78 sorties and once was shot down in a dogfight.
After 11 years of participation in the US space program in 1969
Armstrong was appointed commander of a flight on board the "Apollo 11»,
who made the first ever landing on the moon.
It was the last space flight Armstrong: in 1971 he retired from NASA.
Armstrong's ashes buried at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, where the re-entry capsule splashed down "Apollo 11».
Actor Igor Kvasha

February 4, 1933 - August 30 2012
Fact: for his cinematic
career Igor Kvasha than once played a prominent communist leaders:
Joseph Stalin (1995 and 2005), Karl Marx (1966), Yakov Sverdlov (1967-1969)
Quote: "We have been long accustomed to what a pity - a vile feeling ... Yes, on the contrary!
When we feel sorry for another person, or even a dog, a noble feeling, it improves ourselves »
His best role in the movie Igor Kvasha believed Stalin's role in the film of Yuri Sorokin's "Under the Sign of Scorpio».
Although he no longer remembered by moviegoers in other, more
human and likable roles: the mayor in "the very Munchausen»,
Pastor Adams in "The Man from Boulevard des Capucines" old
Prince's "Tales of the old magician" ... The regulars of the theater "Sovremennik»,
in which the actor spent almost all his life - in 1957,
Everyone loved theater as Kvasha, and even many of those who have never seen it on stage,
We knew his voice by working on the radio, where Kvasha read Pushkin, Mayakovsky, Lermontov, Nekrasov.
A wide fame brought him telecast
"Wait for me", leading permanent which he remained until his death.
Gen. Pavel Grachev

January 1, 1948 - September 23, 2012
Fact: Pavel Grachev was the first in the history of
Post-Soviet Russia captain, awarded the title of General of the Army
Quote: "The team to capture the White House was
17th evening ... I'm just at the headquarters of Airborne ... his men gathered ...
We talked it over, and our solution is reduced to the fact that no matter what the order
was, the blood is not shed and did not storm »
Coming from the Airborne Forces, Pavel Grachev had
pass through Afghanistan, where he returned Hero of Soviet Union,
August 1991 coup, the storming of the White House in October 1993 and
the first Chechen campaign. It's the cost position of the first Minister of Defence:
Grachev was dismissed June 17, 1996. He appears in
several controversial matters, including as a witness in the case
the murder of journalist "MK" Dmitry Kholodov, but none
Grachev incriminating public crime was not proven.
The writer Boris Strugatsky

April 15, 1933 - November 19, 2012
Fact: in his times operate
off-line interview on the official website of Boris Strugatsky in the 14 years to 7583 had an answer readers' questions
Quote: "This fantasy - it is a miracle-mystery-the accuracy»
Boris Strugatsky outlived his elder brother Arkady 21 years,
but in that time he has produced only two of his own novel
- All the major works were created by the brothers together.
Of all domestic fiction writers Strugatsky are the
known and recognizable - as well as among all writers,
who worked in collaboration. After the death of dust Strugatsky b
yl according to his will scattered over the heights of Pulkovo near St. Petersburg.
Multiplier Fedor Khitruk

May 1, 1917 - December 3, 2012
Fact: During the Great Patriotic War Fedor Khitruk,
Graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages, he served as a military translator and demobilized only in 1947
Quote: "A cartoon is not a dialogue between two people. This is a conversation with millions »
The animation Khitruk came in 1937 when, after three years
unsuccessful attempts he still managed to get to the studio
"Soyuzmultfilm" on which he worked for a total of almost half a century.
He is best known as the author of the cartoon
Milne's tales embodiment of the bear cub Winnie the Pooh (made in
as writer and director) and the cartoon-parody "Film, Film, Film»,
although only on account Khitruk - about 100 animated films produced in different qualities.
Architect Oscar Niemeyer

December 15, 1907 - December 5, 2012
Fact: a convinced communist, a member of the Brazilian
Communist Party since 1945, Oscar Niemeyer is more than 20 years has lived in exile in France,
yet in his homeland was a military dictatorship
Quote: "I've always liked to draw. When I was a kid, I drew a finger in the air »
One of the most famous architects of the world and became the longest-lived:
he died 10 days before his 105-year anniversary.
Niemeyer's greatest creation was the current capital of Brazil -
Brasilia, designed almost from scratch
(apart from the general development plan, the architect was the author of 13 major
Objects in the new capital). The last building designed by Niemeyer,
- A cultural center in his name was opened in the Spanish city of Aviles in 2011.
The singer Galina Vishnevskaya

October 25, 1926 - December 11, 2012
Fact: During the siege of Leningrad 16-year-old
Galina served parts of the defense, for which in the end of 1942 was awarded the medal
"For the Defense of Leningrad»
Quote: "We are born to die. As
we spend the time between these two events depends on us »
Of the three spouses opera singer, head of the Center of opera singing of Galina
Vishnevskaya was the most famous cello virtuoso
Mstislav Rostropovich (who died in 2007), whom she married in 1955.
After two decades wife,
took an active part in the life of Alexander Solzhenitsyn,
They were forced into exile and returned to Russia only in 1990.
Galina Vishnevskaya - one of the 12 full members of the Order "For Services to the Fatherland»
(Rostropovich won only two awards - I and II degree).