12 principles of healthy love
1. When two people enter into a love relationship, the life of each of them should be improved. If life worsens, or if you pull each other down, in the end, someone senses and wish to leave.2. Can't buy me love. If you do this, do not expect that your costs will pay off handsomely.
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3. Avoid jealousy. Provoking jealousy, you are playing with fire. Someone will get burned. People already prone to jealousy, sometimes they lack confidence, so you should not deliberately cause this feeling. 4. When healthy romantic relationships, both partners depend on each other equally. 5. Truly loving person does not require proof of a partner reciprocal feeling. He proves his love. 6. Beware of the desire to change the partner. If you turn a partner in another person, remember that, perhaps, this new person would not want to stay with you.
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7. The person who is depressed, it is difficult to love. Love should make one happy, but the society of your chosen one does not guarantee you happiness. Only you can make yourself happy or sad. 8. A woman wants to think that the Prince loves her unapproachable, and not suffering from psycho. Men also do not like the hysterical and the so-called delay-action bombs, which is not known what to expect, because it could explode at any moment. The unpredictability of the partner loosens the nerves and kills the feeling just as bores complete and absolute predictability.
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9. Swift broke love quickly fraying. To find happiness as a constant, one of the two should love wisely. If a partner is silent in response to your blatant outrage, this does not mean that he is deaf, does not mean that he is weak, does not mean that indifferent. This means that he has a hand in which he holds himself.
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10. If the partner has learned that you can mistreat you, to convince him otherwise be very difficult. 11. If you doubt whether your planned action, should refrain from it. Better to wait for the moment when you would think the best solution. 12. Remember: to marry a Prince on a white Mercedes, you should most be a Princess in a red Porsche convertible. Your values must match. Generally, people feel most comfortable with partners who are equal to them in social status.
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Source: /users/1081
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