Energy saving home - saving in action
In a recent conversation with a friend heard the opinion that the most important attribute of green lifestyle – saving. I think in another way. Most importantly – rational use of resources. The argument will lead the adaptation of National Geographic articles with advice on saving energy of a conventional house.
Of course, smart home system, solar panel and specificad is a great solution to the problem, but few will allocate a decent portion of the family budget for the future economy. Fortunately, there are easier and less effective methods to improve the energy efficiency of the house, most of them we know, but use only a smaller part. Together they are able to save from 10 to 50 percent of electricity consumption, money move it yourself.

1. Check energy loss, and debug the heating\cooling systems in the house.
The fact is that a large part of the consumed electricity is used for heating or cooling of buildings, so a properly-oiled device performs half raised in this article tasks. For example, a simple contamination of the filter in the air conditioner significantly increases energy consumption, causing the system to work longer or harder. For best results, invite a technician.

2. Installation of the thermostat.
Such a move will significantly increase the efficiency of heating and cooling systems. With the thermostat you can adjust the temperature for those times when you are not home. Here you have the annual savings 10% of electricity.
3. Check tubes.
According to statistics, inadequate sealing and poor insulation of pipes leads to 20% of the heat loss of your home. You must make sure that the pipes are devoid of the above problems. Again, specialist to help you.
4. Plastered window openings.
Such a trifle as the gap between the window frame and the wall leads not only cold drafts but also to heat loss. And do not be fooled, plastic Windows, because quality installation latest – a very rare occurrence. Remember how we peck the window in school. The principle is similar, here only it is necessary to putty the cracks between the window and the walls. It's simple and cheap, and nevertheless very effectively.
5. Seals for doors and Windows.
The function of the seals is the same as that of the filler, but now we are going to seal doorways. The seals consist of materials specially designed for termogarant, this method is more expensive than putty, but efficiency gives you a head start.

6. Replacement of old appliances.
This is the most expensive item in this guide to reduce energy costs at home. The fact that the old devices are real sinks of electricity. I would even say troglodytes. Old refrigerators, dryers, heaters can perform their tasks, but they are not economical because they were created in less technological times, and the current environmental problems were not (more clear on the example of icons of the muscle car absorb 15 liters of gasoline per 100 km). When choosing the equipment, ensure it has a certification of energy efficiency, such as Energy Star.
7. Replace incandescent bulbs.
Fluorescent lamps use less electricity than incandescent bulbs. Are slightly more expensive but in the calculation of power consumption for a lifetime – you save up to 70%. As a high level eco lighting, I recommend LED bulbs.
But not with blue light.
8. Use the webndfilter.
Surprised me infa: in standby mode, appliances aimlessly consumes 5-10% of total energy consumption of the house. The solution is quite simple: use a surge protector. It is an ordinary extension cord with a switch of energy. Cheap and cheerful.

Initial measures to enhance energy saving simple, cheap and effective.
That's what we wanted to prove, sobsno, rational use – effective savings. As you save more, not losing.
The next level of energy – saving passive house. I hope we all come to this in the near future.
Source: econews.com.ua