Products from insomnia
Three million fifty six thousand two hundred eighteen
It is very important for restful sleep, what, when, and in what quantities you eat. In our hypnotic program — 4 important points to.
Milk and chocolate with a cherry
Drink milk – it contains the amino acid tryptophan, which the body converts into serotonin, a neurotransmitter affecting (in a good way) on sleep quality. Nutritionists advise to eat milk with something sweet, such as candy or cookies to improve the production of insulin, it helps rather to transform tryptophan into serotonin.
A lot of tryptophan in eggs, Turkey, ice cream. However, if these products, "bust", the effect is the opposite – too much serotonin, on the contrary, restorative to the nervous system and interferes with sleep.
To understand its norm can be empirically for some time will follow him, try to understand which of the tryptophan-containing products, in what quantity and what action you have. On average, conducive to sleep are considered to be 50 grams dark chocolate, 150-200 g of Turkey breast, 2 eggs.
Be careful with amphetamine
And we mean not only coffee. Releasing impact on the body have many foods and drinks – including, strong tea, Cola, chocolate, bananas and aged cheeses. They can cause insomnia, even if you do not eat them just before bed. It may well be that the Cup of coffee that you allow yourself after lunch, confuses your circadian rhythms.
Do not pass up dinner
Eat at night – useful, say scientists from the University of Sydney. On a full stomach tryptophan is better absorbed. Only no need to organize orgies in the night with an abundance of fatty and high-calorie food — it will overload the liver and stomach with the intestines work, which in itself interferes with sleep. Eat something light – cereal, porridge, some vegetables. By the way, fiber, which many in this kind of food, "eat" the excess of tryptophan, if there is one.
Don't take insomnia alcohol
Alcohol produces a hypnotic effect, it's true – but not for long. Hours after three or four people can Wake up, and nothing will stop him from counting sheep until dawn. If you really want, you can drop a little whiskey in your evening glass of milk.
Source: www.gastronom.ru