The temperature of the palms of a person depends on his willingness to cooperate

What is common between "prisoner's dilemma" and time offered a Cup of tea? British psychologists conducted an interesting experiment.
People with warm hands are more prone to cooperative behavior than with cold – these conclusions from your experimental research a group of psychologists led by Simon storey and lance Workman from the University of South Wales (UK). The basis of the experiment took into account known task to measure the human tendency to cooperation, the so – called "prisoner's dilemma" experiment, in which the subject chooses to cooperate or to pursue only its own interest.
A modification of this experiment was the fact that half of the participants previously allowed to hold a hot object, and the other half is cold, and then offered to do the job "prisoner's dilemma". After all, the subjects (over 60 people) completed the experiment, it was found that those who had previously held hot, showed a much greater willingness to cooperate than those who were holding a cold object.
Professor workman, who reported on this study on may 8 at the conference of the British psychological society in Birmingham, explains his results by the fact that according to some data obtained to date, the area of the brain responsible for interpersonal "warmth", evolutionary formed as a superstructure derived from the area that is responsible for perception of physical warmth.
Trade and service intuitively have found this method to work on accommodating the potential buyer, the Professor said; a Cup of coffee or tea, which offer the customer, increase the likelihood of purchase. It is believed that the client in this case has the opportunity to get something for free, but the causes may lie deeper, at the level of neurophysiology, says workman. After a Cup of tea – nothing like a hot a subject on which a potential client warms hands.
Source: nkj.ru