China imposed a ban on Windows 8 for the sake of energy saving
Such refusal of China can do to reduce energy costs, since Windows 8 is more lightweight, for comfortable work it is necessary to purchase more powerful components to system units.
Despite the fact that Chinese officials will be resolved exactly the same problem and in the same amounts that they were resolved successfully on Windows XP on cheaper hardware with less power. The scale of China, this can give substantial savings.
In addition, China gains independence from the Corporation that strong-willed decision of the owners quarters of the world's computers and about 50% of desktop systems, the same China that is running Windows XP puts in a situation of need to replace a working and efficient software under the threat of virus and hacker attacks.
Third, China provides a clear signal to other manufacturers that try to manipulate him, creating a difficult situation with their product. In fact, Microsoft has artificially created a situation where working software is dangerous due to termination of a manufacturer's technical support.
Source: greenevolution.ru