Bell pepper planting and care

For seedlings planted pepper for a few months before the expected planting in the ground. In our climatic conditions — this is the second decade of February, if you intend planting in the winter soil, or the first ten days of March, if the seedlings are planted in open ground. Before sowing seeds should etch in a solution of potassium permanganate, hold for a few hours in warm water to speed up germination, but seeds can be wrapped in a damp cloth and hermetically closed in some dishes to put on a few days in a very warm place. So the seeds to hatch very quickly, after which they can be sown in the soil. The scheme of planting a 2x2 see the Roots of sweet pepper is very sensitive to the slightest mechanical stress, so the pepper is best grown without picks.
The optimum temperature for seed germination +20 — 24 C. At this temperature the seedlings appear on the 7th — 9th day. Pepper plants are very sensitive to cold, temperature +15 +17 seedlings appear only on the 18th — 20th day. After germination, the temperature should not fall below +14 +16 and day +8 +10 S0 night. Particularly sensitive plants to temperature changes in the age of 50-60 days. The desired air temperature is not less than 20-23 C during the day and 16-18 C at night. In the phase of Bud formation, when a seedling has 3-4 true leaves, pepper requires the light intensity. Insufficient light leads to yellowing of leaves, breakage of vegetative organs and abscission of the ovary. Pepper in the growing period sensitive to conditions of soil nutrition. The younger the seedlings every 10 days, fed a solution of fertilizer. As well the plants react to organic fertilizers. The greatest need for nitrogen is manifested in the beginning of the flowering and fruit formation. Potassium from fruit set until the end of their maturation. Calcium and magnesium plants need throughout the growing season.
If you want to get an early harvest bell peppers - planted 65-day seedlings. The scheme of planting depends on the method of irrigation. When growing pepper in drip irrigation the most efficient schemes of landing — 90+50х15-20cm or 100+40х15-20cm, and when watering sprinkler — 70х15-20cm or the distance between plants in the row should be 30-40cm between rows 50-60cm. Planting should be done when the soil temperature is above 15 S0, the seedlings 20-25cm planted in moist soil to a depth of 5-6cm, at this point the plants are 15-17 leaves, if necessary, a few days after the landing carried out replanting. To plant the seedlings better in cloudy days or evening hours. When transplanting in the ground must be sure that the root collar remains at the same level, otherwise the plants will stop growing, is the holding of Reno many years of practice. Threat and an excessively small landing: the upper part of the roots, not embedded in the soil dies. Planted the peppers in the prepared shed the hole. When preparing the soil it is necessary to take into account the fact that the pepper reacts negatively to fresh manure, but responds well to making compost.

As you grow pepper, the plants form. First, the pepper develops a main stem, only after 10-12 sheet appear 2-4 side shoots. Of them need to leave the two strongest, which will subsequently create a "skeleton" of the plant, the rest of the shoots pinch. After the remaining runners will start branching in each branching, as the core, leaving the most developed and strong escape, a second, weaker, pinch. You must remove the first flower, otherwise the plant slows down its growth and development, reducing the yield.
Pepper loves moisture, prolonged drought without irrigation, the plants will inevitably produce a meager harvest. The root system of sweet pepper lies not deep and overheating under the scorching sun. In the heat under 30 With peppers can fall into stognatsiyu and to stop the growth. It is typical for many plants, so they save moisture and nutrients. With good wetting of the plant to better tolerate high temperatures, increases yield, improves fruit quality. The plant is better to water in the morning at the root, not abundantly, but often. Irregular watering during fruiting cause the appearance of cracks on the fruits. Pepper is very important to keep the soil constantly moist, so mulching the soil and agro-fibre R-50 pepper is very effective, it gives additional advantages in the form of moisture retention and protect the roots from overheating, it also eliminates weeding and loosening soil, almost the same effect you get when growing pepper under cover of AGROSALON. In this case, the care of plants is reduced to weeding and fertilizing, and the rules of loosening the soil and watering is significantly reduced — agricultural fiber retains moisture and prevents the formation of soil crust. Please note: due to the close proximity of the roots to the surface of the soil cultivation depth must be small (6-8cm).
Source: /users/559