Do not throw away the seeds of Bulgarian pepper, they will save a pack of money in the summer season.

A little garden on the windowsill? Everything can be done with your own hands at minimal cost. And at the same time get a good harvest and a pleasant pastime. And the seeds are already in your fridge. Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you about the most budgetary and easy way to get a crop on the windowsill. Planting of Bulgarian pepper seeds It takes a minimum of time and gives maximum pleasure. A little ingenuity and fresh green vegetables will grow right at home!

When we peel Bulgarian pepper, the seeds are usually sent to the trash. And these seeds are a real treasure for further cultivation. After peeling the pepper, collect the seeds on a napkin and set aside for a few days to dry. They will be useful for you to create a whole home plantation with Bulgarian pepper no worse than a store.

If the soul requires experiments, you can take peppers of different colors and varieties. The main thing is to keep them separate during drying so that they do not get confused. Otherwise, you can grow burning Bulgarian pepper yellow. You can even sign each napkin or get shallow jars for each variety.

Bulgarian pepper is a light and heat-loving plant. In the ground, it grows perfectly at a temperature of +19-27 ° C during the day and +16-18 ° C at night. Therefore, in the gardens it is planted quite late, when the ground has already warmed up and at night there are no strong temperature changes. At home, you can grow it all year round. The main thing is to create the necessary conditions for growth.

Peels Pepper does not like dry soil, so the ground should always be slightly moist. In summer, on very hot days, you have to water it 2 times a day. The root system itself is small, so the plant will fit perfectly in a medium-sized pot.

If you want to plant Bulgarian pepper at home, you will need a medium-sized pot and fertile water permeable land. You can also use a wooden or plastic box, having previously made a hole from the bottom for ventilation. It is best to start landing in the spring.

At a depth of 0.5-1 centimeters in the soil, put seeds and fill with a small amount of earth. Slight fields and put away from direct sunlight. In about 20 days you will see the first sprouts.

Peels Make sure the sprouts do not grow too close together. This can lead to the death of the plant, because it does not have enough space. Put the pots on the windowsill and do not forget to water the sprouts every day.

After a short period of time, you will notice that flowers will appear on plants. It is important not to forget to pollinate them. You can do this yourself without the invitation of specially trained bees. Take an ear stick and gently poke it into each flower. Thus, pollen from one flower will be transferred to another and pollination will occur. Now we just have to wait for the harvest.

To the harvest was generous and happy for a long time, water your garden with warm settled water. Such water will not damage the root system of plants. Also, don't forget about fertilizer. It is best to feed pepper with mineral fertilizers every two weeks.

We hope that our recommendations will help you grow a real garden on the windowsill. Share in the comments whether our advice was useful and what you got out of it. Good luck!


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