Why use wave power so far behind wind and sun
1. The ocean is a harsh environment for machinery, and the costs are higher than to build facilities on earth. Salt water corrodes everything, and the waves can become really serious obstacle when sending crews to install and repair highways, etc. for Example, offshore wind farms contain always more expensive than on land for this reason.
2. The energy of the waves just weren't a priority. Wind and solar energy has received much more attention.
Three decades ago, harnessing the energy of waves and wind were at the same stage of development. At that time, engineers did not stop at the optimal design for wind turbines, but in subsequent decades, research has led to a very sophisticated turbine designs. Some studies of wave energy occurred after the Arab oil embargo of the 1970-ies, but since then government and commercial research and development in wave energy pale in comparison with the development of wind and solar energy.
3. Despite the difficulties, there is progress. Pilot programs in countries such as Portugal, Scotland, Australia, etc, are moving forward. Things could move faster if the processing prototypes of wave energy worked really well; sometimes it takes longer to find the right formula than the deployment and extension.
4. But there are reasons for pessimism in the development of wave energy. If the cost is too high, does not make sense to build wave farms in most places where the wind or the sun, can create the potential for the same amount of money.
One can imagine a future where wave power is cost-effective and widely used along with other renewable sources, but it will be an uphill battle. I hope that the engineers will understand this, because we need all the options to clean up our energy system. Especially in those areas where it is impossible to build offshore wind farms can be built wave farms.
Source: rodovid.me
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