The sail is able to generate energy

They are patented in USA, China, Japan and Europe the system of sails for ships, which is able to generate energy.
The system is based on the use of innovative rigid sails resembling the wings of airplanes, on ships. It reduces the consumption of fuel in large cargo ships, e.g., tankers, and at the same time can be used to generate and store energy in the form of hydrogen and oxygen, according to "Energosovet".

A unique development was named Bound4blue. This mechanism can produce renewable energy at sea on the basis of the mobile system. Hard sails perform the role of a driving element. This allows you to avoid the installation of fixed structures on the ships and neutralize the harmful effect on the environment. Ships become the sources of "green" energy, as they use the power of the wind during the voyage and accumulate it.
Source: greenevolution.ru