Everything you need to know about mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is one of the most "controversial" foods. Nutritionists in one voice recommended significantly limit the use of mayonnaise, this sauce is extremely nutritious and contains a lot of cholesterol. Fans of salads with mayonnaise argue that mayonnaise is much lower in calories than the notorious olive oil. Oddly enough, both sides are right...
What is the calorie content of mayonnaise than vegetable oils?
As we all know, mayonnaise is made from vegetable oil, which drop by drop whisk with egg yolk, sometimes with a touch of mustard, the so – called "Provencal" or finely-chopped gherkins and garlic – "Tartar sauce". So mayonnaise should be made by the classic recipes of mayonnaise, the category of "easy low-fat mayonnaise" will be discussed more below.
Naturally, the egg contains not only fat, therefore the calorie content of mayonnaise will be much lower than that of vegetable oil. So, the caloric value of "real" mayonnaise made only from vegetable oils and eggs, is about 450-550Ккал, while the calorie content of refined fats around 900Ккал.
Why nutritionists don't recommend to get involved with mayonnaise, insisting on its high caloric content?
However, all is not so simple. When filling the dishes with mayonnaise, it is used in a much greater quantity than vegetable oil.
The fact is that fat in emulsified mayonnaise – is in tiny droplets, has a thick "paste-like" consistency and does not form a film. So the dishes dressed with lots of mayonnaise don't seem greasy. Although if you fill them with the equivalent amount of oil that we simply can not eat this kind of food because food is literally swimming in fat.
In addition, we have taste buds in your mouth are arranged so that the heavier the dish, the more intense it seems to us to taste.
In the end, we are guided by the subjective feeling of "fat", tucking, for example salad, with mayonnaise, adding there is much more fat than in the event that if I ran it with clean oil.
In addition, the mayonnaise contains a lot of salt (which is why the use of mayonnaise is contraindicated in compliance with salt-free diets), and in some cases spices – all of these ingredients stimulate the taste, dishes dressed with mayonnaise you can eat much more than oil.
Again, the oil in the mayonnaise emulsified, so dishes with mayonnaise will be absorbed much faster than oil.
Therefore, even though the calorie content of mayonnaise is much lower than vegetable oil, but the dishes with mayonnaise produces much more calories than in case you use oil.
Is it worth it to get involved in "light" Mayo?
In response to the trend of a healthy lifestyle, which is gaining popularity for the last ten years, manufacturers of high-calorie mayonnaise answered dozens of "light" varieties, sometimes with less calorie 200Ккал!
Alas, low-calorie mayonnaise is not really a product of a healthy diet. High in calories, but natural oil replaced a set of chemical emulsifiers and stabilizers, allowing emulsify almost pure water.
Of course, regular use of this product is not very good impact on health.
What are the alternatives too high-calorie mayonnaise?
So, if you want to spice up the salad with something "white and fluffy" than using chemical substitutes for high-calorie mayonnaise, it is better to prepare the original dressing that looks like mayonnaise. For example, whipped homemade yogurt with garlic, coriander, white pepper and lemon juice.
Source: /users/155