9 things to stop doing wives

Stop thinking that Your way is the "right" way. If he does something differently, it's not necessarily "wrong". When the wife tries to do everything "your way," she says, "I have to control everything". Don't let the benefits of others before her husband. God created communication in marriage so that husband and wife could meet the needs of each other in close, intimate, human relations. In Genesis He said "it is not good that man should be alone". What happens in your relationship with your spouse, when you put first your mother, friends or child? You make the first step to isolation in your marriage. If you choose to spend a Saturday evening together with friends, instead of having to watch football with him, he begins to think that is secondary in your life. Don't expect that your husband will be "your girlfriend". Most men and women not only differ in appearance, but they are unique in how we look at life. One of the vivid examples is the need to discuss: the man in conversation, they can strain and for your girlfriend will make a big difference. Do not attempt to "discredit", to shame your spouse. Stop to correct her husband in front of others. If you are trying to finish his sentence, as if inadvertently say "I do not care what you wanted to say." Stop thinking about what your husband is trying to humiliate You, as perhaps your father did with your mother. Don't defend your husband. Never use sex as an element of "trade". Some women intentionally or unintentionally say to their husbands: "If I get what I need, then we will have sex." Don't remind my husband about some little things over and over again. Don't try to be his mother you are his wife. Don't make your husband earn your respect to him. Stop to give your spouse long-term to-do list. Do not take your husband as someone who needs to read your thoughts. Let the household chores for you will be more important than your husband. One young wife said to her husband that today they will not have sex, since it only changed their bed linens, and she wished that it would just stay clean. Do you think my husband reacted to it? Stop trying to play the role of leader of the family because I think that her husband does not. Don't expect that your husband will be a Prince. Never first, never look into books, seminars, to fix the problems of your marriage.
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