How to adjust the cycle of the popular methods

Critical days are perceived by women as a matter of course a recurring event. So the long delay makes you nervous, at least once every fairer sex. Reasons other than pregnancy, there are many – it is a hormonal imbalance, and cold, and climate change, and frequent game with weight, and premature menopause. You should not hold back the fact that women visiting the doctor the procedure is not pleasant and that is why many ladies prefer to self-medicate. Of course, unauthorized and uncontrolled adoption of hormonal drugs is fraught with serious problems. But, fortunately, help the suffering women come folk remedies, which, in addition to performing the basic function also has a beneficial effect on health in General: the simplest way is physical exercise. From a couple of exercises, nothing will, but exhausting power or running exercises are welcome. There is no specific dosage load, but the result of consolidation is happening in a hot bath or sauna. Experienced ladies think that during training the muscles of the body (and uterus) to strain, as in a sauna under the influence of heat – relaxing. Essentially the method is an imitation of deep muscle contraction. Method is only effective if the uterus is weak and the woman is absolutely far from sports.
The second method is superdose of vitamin C. Say you need to take inside, and for hedging, and even intravenously. Method is suitable for women with a vitamin deficiency and a weakened immune system, because we all know that vitamins support the body in times of epidemics and seasonal diseases. Method is absolutely contraindicated for those who suffer from stomach ailments and low blood pressure. The third option is to use within a day of a decoction of parsley. Parsley – is a storehouse of vitamins, few know that vitamin C in it more than the lemon tart. Recipe: 100 gr. fresh, not dried, parsley is necessary to grind and pour water in an amount of 1 tbsp. bring to boil, cool and drink 1 tbsp. a day. The recommended dose is better divided into 2 doses. Broth take 3-4 days and on the fifth to wait until the critical days. Method deserves attention, because it does not bear any harm to yourself. The fourth method – call monthly with elecampane. Method calls monthly breakthrough bleeding, to minimize the need to strictly follow the dosage. Recipe: elecampane root (exactly 50 gr.) crushed and pour 2-3 tbsp of boiling water. Once the tincture is ready (after 30 min), the broth strain and drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. The effect will stun even the most skeptical ladies, although abuse of the prescription is not necessary, because the constant artificial challenge menstruation weakens the muscles of the uterus that will lead to future miscarriages. The fifth method – receiving a hot bath with salt and iodine. Recipe: 8-10 drops of iodine, 2 packs of salt dissolve in the tub with the maximum tolerable hot water. Such a solution can be no longer than 20 minutes to avoid problems with pressure and heart. Followed by triturating dry and go to bed under a warm blanket. Needless to say, that most comfortable this way would be in the winter. The sixth method is the use of the carrot seeds before meals 3 times a day. A one-time amount of seeds is 3-5 g. This prolonged treatment (over 7 days), but effective. In addition, the carrots will not only hasten the onset of the critical days, and normalizes the monthly cycle for at least six months. The seventh method requires the introduction of internal (but not in food, and local) the roots of the gladiolus. The exposure time is not more than 10 min. Period coming after a couple of hours. Frequent use of this method is fraught with miscarriages afterwards. Of course, traditional medicine does not cause such damage, medication and hormonal treatment. Before using folk remedies that women should realize their short-term effect, so ignore the advice of qualified women doctors should not.
Source: natural-medicine.ru