9 ways to remove freckles at home
In contrast to General opinion, freckles are an attractive feature, especially in people with red hair. There are two basic types of freckles: the ones that have the form of flat spots (red or light brown), usually manifested in the Sunny season and disappearing in winter, and those who have brown or black spots.
Freckles do not delete the wave of a magic wand. To get rid of them, it takes time, patience and constant care. Here are some organic remedies that will help You deal with freckles at home: 1. Apply to the face mask from the marketplace of sour cream. After about 20-30 minutes rinse with water and wipe face with a soft cloth and then apply moisturizer. 2. Lemon juice — an effective and frequently used tool for eliminating freckles. With fingertips, apply it on the affected areas and leave for a while to whiten freckles. 3. Apricot, strawberry and pickle masks will remove freckles for a long time. 4. Wipe the face with sour milk. Lactic acid helps to eliminate freckles and produces peeling of the skin. 5. The juice from the horseradish and the mask of oatmeal is also useful in removing freckles. 6. Use parsley juice mixed with the same quantity of lemon and orange juice and black currant juice will help You make the freckles invisible. 7. Mix castor oil and vitamin E. Apply this mixture on blemishes before bed and in the morning You will already see the first result. While a week of Your freckles completely will be. 8. Cut red onion in half and grate them with freckles. Spend manipulation twice a day. This procedure can continue until the complete clarification of freckles. 9. Mix 1/4 Cup Netopia currants with a tablespoon of honey. This mixture should be applied on the freckles and leave for half an hour, then rinse with water with low content of lemon juice. This procedure is carried out twice a day for one week.
Source: estet-portal.com
Freckles do not delete the wave of a magic wand. To get rid of them, it takes time, patience and constant care. Here are some organic remedies that will help You deal with freckles at home: 1. Apply to the face mask from the marketplace of sour cream. After about 20-30 minutes rinse with water and wipe face with a soft cloth and then apply moisturizer. 2. Lemon juice — an effective and frequently used tool for eliminating freckles. With fingertips, apply it on the affected areas and leave for a while to whiten freckles. 3. Apricot, strawberry and pickle masks will remove freckles for a long time. 4. Wipe the face with sour milk. Lactic acid helps to eliminate freckles and produces peeling of the skin. 5. The juice from the horseradish and the mask of oatmeal is also useful in removing freckles. 6. Use parsley juice mixed with the same quantity of lemon and orange juice and black currant juice will help You make the freckles invisible. 7. Mix castor oil and vitamin E. Apply this mixture on blemishes before bed and in the morning You will already see the first result. While a week of Your freckles completely will be. 8. Cut red onion in half and grate them with freckles. Spend manipulation twice a day. This procedure can continue until the complete clarification of freckles. 9. Mix 1/4 Cup Netopia currants with a tablespoon of honey. This mixture should be applied on the freckles and leave for half an hour, then rinse with water with low content of lemon juice. This procedure is carried out twice a day for one week.

Source: estet-portal.com