This phrase has ruined all my complexes about appearance!
Perhaps the world will not find the person who would be completely happy with their appearance. Moreover, many a child was teased, for example, because of a long nose or tall. But all the disadvantages can turn into advantages! And the Website sure from childhood complexes need to get rid of. Here's one girl has helped to deal with them in a completely unknown man!
All my life I had freckles. And not just small konopacki on the nose, and entire face deluged with them. From an early age I didn't like them, used all sorts of whitening masks, creams. In adolescence, beginning to cover up freckles with Foundation and top with powder to not be seen. As adults somehow ceased to bother about it, I started to use less makeup.
And recently I was standing in line at the cashier, and a man standing before me, drunk such fun. Suddenly he turns and stares at me and gives:
— Oh, freckles! Girl, and you especially this beauty drawn?
This phrase, he just pulled me from the depths of childhood complexes, I believed my freckles a terrible deformity. Oh, man, man, where have you been all these years? I would say, who this earlier, maybe I would not hesitate.
via factroom.ru
All my life I had freckles. And not just small konopacki on the nose, and entire face deluged with them. From an early age I didn't like them, used all sorts of whitening masks, creams. In adolescence, beginning to cover up freckles with Foundation and top with powder to not be seen. As adults somehow ceased to bother about it, I started to use less makeup.
And recently I was standing in line at the cashier, and a man standing before me, drunk such fun. Suddenly he turns and stares at me and gives:
— Oh, freckles! Girl, and you especially this beauty drawn?
This phrase, he just pulled me from the depths of childhood complexes, I believed my freckles a terrible deformity. Oh, man, man, where have you been all these years? I would say, who this earlier, maybe I would not hesitate.
via factroom.ru