Chewing gum on clothes

very frustrating when chewing gum stuck to the sole of your shoe, but doubly worse when it happened with the clothes. You tried to pull out as much as possible of the goo, but the remnants of chewing gum do not want to go. In such cases, we must remain calm and learn how to remove chewing gum from clothes quickly, efficiently and most importantly we will help you in etom.

Of course the most effective way is to give clothes to the dry cleaner, but it's you, of course, will cost money and time. But in such locations using special solvents that may wash out even very thin tissue without damaging it. How to remove chewing gum from fabrics in the home There are several ways to clean clothes from the gum, and most of these are the following ways. Click on any of the following links if you want to go to your preferred method. How to remove gum from trousers or jeans by kipyacheniya

- First you need to lower the place to which stuck gum in boiling water; - Let the water cool down to a level where you can put it in her hand; - Until the clothes in hot water, try to knock over the cud sharp object (eg a knife); - Just holding clothes in water, rub the fabric; - Clothes dry and, if necessary, repeat the procedure. How to remove gum from trousers with hot water - Open hot water tap; - Place the fabric holding dirt under the hot jet, try to clean the gum, using a brush (you can tooth). How to remove gum using benzina

- The place where chewing gum is stuck, pour a little gasoline; - Petrol remove gum. And then you have to get rid of the smell of it, why should you wash clothes in accordance with the instructions on the label. * To remove gum require quite a bit of gasoline, and be careful, because This product is flammable. * In the event that you have not found the gasoline can replace it with alcohol, which will have the same effect. How to remove gum using zamorozki

- To start the fold clothes, to put it in a plastic bag; it must be done so that the place where chewing gum is stuck, it was on top; - Put the clothes in a plastic bag, make sure that the gum does not stick to the package and close the bag; - Put the bag in the freezer and wait for freezing tissue. * If the gum sticks to the package when the clothes therein, the fabric can put the top package, but not into it. * Put the cloth is necessary so that it does not touch the sides of the freezer. - After freezing remove your item as soon as possible and begin to scrape gum off her. * Chewing gum should not melt. * If gum melted, put the clothes in the freezer again, or try to freeze the gum with ice cubes. How to remove gum using glazhki

- Place the fabric on cardboard, soiled side down; - Adjust the iron on the average temperature and turn it on; - Start to iron cloth while chewing gum does not stick to the cardboard. How to remove gum using uksusa

* This method is not suitable for delicate fabrics. - Pour the vinegar in a tin container and heat it; - Dab the toothbrush in vinegar; - Quickly begin to rub the gum until the vinegar is hot; - Continue to dip the brush in hot vinegar and rub until the complete removal of chewing gum. * If necessary, heat the vinegar again. - To remove the smell of vinegar, a wash cloth. How to remove chewing gum with a liquid myla

- The place of contamination, apply liquid soap; - Need to rub soap into a tissue, and therefore armed with a toothbrush; - After which the fabric has absorbed the soap, use with caution dull knife to scrape gum, without spoiling the fabric; - Wash the thing. How to remove gum using atsetona

* This method is not suitable for delicate fabrics. - Nail polish remover or acetone wipe the cloth in a place where it is stained with chewing gum; - Wash the clothes.
Source: www.infoniac.ru/news/Kak-ubrat-zhvachku-s-odezhdy.html