The 10 commandments of independent travelers

Important advice from experienced pilgrims.
The Fanny pack is not off
Pickpockets are operating in all countries of the world – and not only those considered "third world". If you are really interested to see how much you can go without purse or documents, then no problem – carry them in an easily accessible pocket of my jeans or backpack. However, if a visit to the Embassy of your native country and apply for the issuance of a new passport is not included in your plans, the neck or the Fanny pack will be a very good acquisition. Regular wallet Express for small amount of money, which should always be at hand but most of the savings and securities should be stored in a hidden wallet.
buy food where the locals
...And no matter what there is a speech about the grocery market in Uganda or a small shop branded cheese in France. Grocery points where you prefer to shop local is a great way to see (and taste!) the life of a particular country. Try to behave politely – not to point fingers and not giggle over unfamiliar objects.
do not photograph anyone without asking
Before taking pictures of locals (and in some countries they even separate buildings, e.g., government), be sure to ask permission! In some territories (for example, in some African countries) the subject quite entitled to ask you for money for photography. As for the buildings, even in his native Russia, you may experience problems if you ignore the ban on photographing government facilities.
Caution your plug
Public Wi-Fi is not always well protected. When abroad, try not to send personal information (especially concerning your cash accounts) through an untrusted network.
A worthy messenger be
Remember, when you are abroad, you automatically become a representative of their country. People will judge Russia for the Russian, with whom they could communicate in person. Keep this in mind when, for example, you will get on your nerves a taxi driver or when you are in the restaurant, bring your food cold. To be dissatisfied with something is fine, but try to Express this dissatisfaction calmly and politely.
Credit card take
No comment. Oddly enough, nowadays is still possible to meet people who ignore this item.
The Bank warned its
If you fail to notify your Bank in advance about the intention to visit other countries, you can expect a nasty surprise in the form of cards, which will block at the most inconvenient time. Banks are wary of transactions carried out abroad, and may freeze your account when you try to withdraw money from overseas ATMs.
The opportunity to go to the shower do not miss
No matter what kind of place it is – whether it's a French resort or the centre of Bangkok, always use any convenient opportunity to bathe and wash clothes. This is especially true when you have a number of long journeys or camping outdoors, at such moments, you never know when the opportunity to get in the human species will fall to you next time.
Try the local cuisine
Do not turn into the type of tourists that dine abroad in one only the usual McDonalds or prialnik restaurants. The local cuisine in the local cafes of the middle class is one of the most reliable ways to experience the flavor of the country.
Enjoy the journey of his in full measure
Do not tie themselves to the guides and the routes are uninteresting to you personally. Immerse yourself in a new culture and select in it what a pleasure for you. The world is huge and diverse – so use it!
Source: interest-planet.ru