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8 the basic skills of first aid which should be taken by each

For many years we were given many recommendations on survival, but what if you were really close to the person who immediately need your help (for example, a person fainted or suffocated). Let's find out what still needs to be done if the victim is on the verge of life and death.

First of all, we must recall that the very first thing you should do is to call an ambulance. Then decide what kind of help are you able to provide a victim and make sure that your own life is out of danger.

When the flight attendant briefing before the flight, he stressed the need to assist first and foremost to yourself – otherwise you will not be able to help someone else.

You do not have to be a health care provider to be able to save human life, all that is necessary is to remember the basic advice on first aid.

How to do CPR

When we talk about the skills of first aid, the first thing that comes to mind is cardio-pulmonary resuscitation or CPR method that can save a person if he had a heart attack. Of course, a training course would be useful, but even without training you could save someone's life. This one-minute video about the technique of cardiopulmonary resuscitation can prepare you for the operational life-saving.

Artificial heart massage can be done all (except infants), whose heart stopped beating. Massage technique is performed shallow chest compressions with a frequency of about 100 times per minute and continues until the arrival of doctors.

First aid for heart attack (heart attack)

Every seventh death is due to heart disease, so it is very important to know the signs and rules of first aid during a heart attack. It happens that in some cases, the symptoms indicated a cardiac arrest that requires cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and in other cases it's not so dramatic, and it may be that in humans the usual heartburn.

After you called the ambulance, give the patient an aspirin, but make sure he's not allergic, he was more than 16 years of age and not taking medications that don't mix with aspirin.

If a person is choking

Sometimes in restaurants hang posters illustrating the techniques of the Heimlich maneuver – a plan of action when assisting poperhnuvshis when his airway blocked by a piece of food or other object. The chances that such posters we see in everyday life is small, so the following videos demonstrate the use of this technique in practice.

Note: before making tremors in the stomach, you must do 5 strokes with the hand on the back.

For infants and children whose small trachea and a tendency to swallow random items give parents constant fear, there are other methods of first aid.

How to save a drowning man

This is one of the most common accidental deaths, especially among children. If you are an inexperienced swimmer, remember that swimming to man to save him is the last thing you can do for him. The website Family doctor offers the following formula to rescue a drowning man: "Get, put, row, row"

Get. If a person is drowning near the edge of the pool or the pier, lie down flat on the ground and try to reach your sinking. Use a tree branch, oar, towel, or a crowbar if you can't reach the person. If necessary, dive and holding on to the edge of the pool or pier, try to reach a drowning man. Come on. Drop lifebuoy (if you have it on hand). Row. Swim up to a drowning man on the boat (again, if applicable). Swim. To sail alone is an extreme measure. Take along a life preserver, towel or shirt to take a drowning person in tow. How to stop the bleeding

There are different types of bleeding, ranging from small scratches to serious arterial bleeding. In this case, your task – as soon as possible to stop the bleeding. Wash hands and put on medical gloves, if available, may also be suitable plastic bag), then:

Lay the victim and cover him with a blanket. Raise the bleeding site. Remove obvious dirt and debris from the wound, but do not attempt to remove large or deeply entrenched items on their own. Apply a dressing of gauze or clean cloth for 20 minutes and keep the bandage from the wound to see is not stopped if the bleeding. Attach, if necessary, a gauze. If the bleeding stops, make pressure directly to the artery: pressure points on the hand are located on the inner side of the arm, just above the elbow and below the armpit. Pressure points on the leg located behind the knee and in the groin. Squeeze the main artery in these areas opposite the bone. Keep your fingers straight. Other hand to keep pressure on the wound. Once the bleeding has stopped, leave the dressing in place and try to immobilize the injured body part. How to treat a burn

Large and severe burns, of course, must be treated by a doctor, but Dr. Matthew Hoffman at the website WebMD gives the following advice: "Immediately rinse the burn with cool water for 10 minutes. Then cool the skin with wet compresses. In any case, do not apply to burn the place ice or butter. Gently cleanse the skin with mild soap and water. To ease the pain, you can take acetaminophen (tylenol) or ibuprofen (motrin). Light burns on the surface of the skin do not need to tie up".

The BBC, however, recommends to flush the burn for 20 minutes cold running water (this will keep the pain 3 hours), and advises to remove clothing and jewelry from the burn.

By the way, what oil helps from a burn is a myth. People treat burns with yogurt, tomato paste, raw egg whites, sliced potatoes, vegetable oil. Oil can you can help, if the skin got hot tar, others food Express for food.

How to deliver a baby in the car (or elsewhere)

It is believed that one of the fears of a pregnant woman and her partner is the fear to take delivery yourself. And if you're not often in the society of a pregnant woman, the ability to take delivery is not the most important skill, but you never know what can happen. Therefore, the following tips are taken from the "Handbook for survival in the most adverse circumstances", to help you cope with this situation (by the way, it also says that in principle a child might be born on their own – he just needs a little help).

Calculate the time of uterine contractions. So you will understand whether giving birth: the time between contractions is from 3 to 5 minutes, and then from 40 to 90 seconds, and the frequency and strength of contractions increase in the next hour. This applies to never parous women. Keep the head and body of a child in the course of its movement from the mother's womb. Wipe off the newborn and keep him warm. Do not slap the child on the butt, but be sure to remove your fingers accumulated fluid from the mouth, if necessary. Tie a knot in the cord a few inches from the baby with a rope (or lace). You must not cut the cord if you are near the hospital. If, nevertheless, you have to wait for medical help longer, then carefully cut the cord, bandaging her a few inches closer to the mother, then cut it between the knots. If the child begins to receive the feet forward, follow the same instructions.

How to move people

It is often better to leave the victim in place before the arrival of the ambulance. Never attempt to move a person with injuries of the head, neck or spine. But there are times when you need to move the victim to a safe place. If you are not very strong, but the man is too heavy for you, then the following recommendations will help you cope with this task without causing harm to you or the victim.

Make sure that the person is facing you. Take his hand and flip over his shoulder. Kneel or sit down so that the middle of the body of the victim was in front of your shoulder. Rise a little, pushing with the legs and hips, do not lean forward, otherwise you can damage the back. So people will hang on your shoulder and you'll be able to go. We recommend you to practice on children or small people. I hope that you never have to resort to first aid, but now that you know what you can do depending on the situation.


Source: /users/1077