The babaganoush was —vegan recipe

"The babaganoush was a dish similar to hummus but more tender in consistency. This is a delicious paste made of roasted eggplant, a popular dish in Arabic cuisine. Lovers of hummus highly recommended!"Ingredients for 6 servings
- Баклажаны3 PCs.
- Тахини3 tbsp
- Чеснок2 cloves
- Olive oil (extra virgin)3 tbsp.
- Кинза3 sprigs
- Lemon сок1.5 tbsp
Remove the eggplant from the oven, allow to cool.
Make a longitudinal incision, with a spoon take all the pulp, holding the eggplant over the stem.
Place the eggplant pulp in a colander or strainer to push the top with a spoon to drain off excess fluid.
In a blender, first chop the garlic, then add eggplant, whisk until homogenous.
Add the remaining ingredients: tahini, olive oil, cilantro, lemon juice, ground cumin and salt. Preroute. Taste, if desired, add more salt, cumin, lemon juice. When serving, drizzle the top with olive oil and garnish with finely chopped cilantro.
Source: www.vegelicacy.com/