The job search on the Internet, where should I start
As the saying goes: "Work is not a wolf in the forest will not escape". This statement has its truth. But those who are faced with an independent search of employment, can confidently also say that she to Your doorstep is not exactly running. So what the same principles should be guided in order to achieve effective results in such a difficult matter? Now we will try to figure this out together.
The first thing you need to decide in what field of activity You would like to be busy and what specifically to deal with. The question is quite simple, but the answer is not always easy to find. But, don't take the first step, you'd never go.
There is a simple psychological technique that will help us at this stage. Imagine that You are completely independent financially and financially secure fully. Imagine that You have $ 1 million. What would You do? Defined? Great. Congratulations! You have successfully overcome a stage 1.
Then follows the more technical side of the process. The accumulation of experience. And here, as we know, all good. At this time You simply need to fill in, which have chosen for themselves. No need to worry about how much it can bring You a profit or when at last will be thousands of orders. No matter how will result.
The only important thing is to devote myself completely to work. Believe me, after a month, You will notice first positive changes in the process activities. Shortcomings will gradually disappear. All the excess will disappear by itself. This will be a complete success at this stage.
The main thing to continue to do everything in the same rhythm and with the same attitude. The result will not keep itself waiting long. The quality of the performed work definitely comes with time. And then, when that happens, you can safely go out into the world with a wealth of skills behind.
The next goal is to Shine in as many areas related to employment. To register on various freelancing sites, distribute your resume to prospective employers and wait. To wait, while continuing to improve their skills.
And remember: have no fear. You just need to know and remember that everything will work out. Good luck.
Source: globalscience.ru
The first thing you need to decide in what field of activity You would like to be busy and what specifically to deal with. The question is quite simple, but the answer is not always easy to find. But, don't take the first step, you'd never go.
There is a simple psychological technique that will help us at this stage. Imagine that You are completely independent financially and financially secure fully. Imagine that You have $ 1 million. What would You do? Defined? Great. Congratulations! You have successfully overcome a stage 1.

Then follows the more technical side of the process. The accumulation of experience. And here, as we know, all good. At this time You simply need to fill in, which have chosen for themselves. No need to worry about how much it can bring You a profit or when at last will be thousands of orders. No matter how will result.
The only important thing is to devote myself completely to work. Believe me, after a month, You will notice first positive changes in the process activities. Shortcomings will gradually disappear. All the excess will disappear by itself. This will be a complete success at this stage.
The main thing to continue to do everything in the same rhythm and with the same attitude. The result will not keep itself waiting long. The quality of the performed work definitely comes with time. And then, when that happens, you can safely go out into the world with a wealth of skills behind.
The next goal is to Shine in as many areas related to employment. To register on various freelancing sites, distribute your resume to prospective employers and wait. To wait, while continuing to improve their skills.
And remember: have no fear. You just need to know and remember that everything will work out. Good luck.
Source: globalscience.ru