The amazing properties of our serum—the secret of longevity of the mountaineers

Serum has long been used in food for many peoples engaged in cattle breeding. This is the best remedy for quenching thirst, but also an excellent preventive measure of kidney stones.
When we hear or read about centenarians, most often it turns out that the inhabitants of the mountain regions, remote from all the pleasures of civilization. The Caucasus occupies one of leading places in the number of centenarians in the world. And it is quite logical. Clean air, mineral water, organic food, lack of stress of modern cities are doing their thing.
It happened a long time ago, 15 years ago. At the time we has just begun its business in the field of water treatment, and filter at home was. We poured water in 3-liter cans and defended before use to evaporate the chlorine.
In the area where we live, the water is very hard, and after a month of such manipulation on the inner walls of banks formed a stable layer of the water stone. As you know, water stone is not that other, as calcium and magnesium. That is, mineral salts, necessary for our organism for normal work of heart.
These minerals are present in our water in large quantity, but not always the molecular form which is easily absorbed by the body. Therefore, in our kidneys and blood vessels deposits appear very similar to those that settled in my Bank.
Was late spring, the weather was unusually hot. From food to mind came only one hash. I bought the kefir and decided to squisiti it in a water bath to make the basis for the hash. For this I needed 2 or 3-liter Bank. Unfortunately, recently all banks were put in the basement, and the key I had.
There is only one Bank in which I poured water to defend, but she was so ugly covered with a water stone that I somehow didn't want her to do anything, but there was no way.
I tried to clean off the water stone from the walls of banks, but there it was. I no Ter, no matter how scraped, the result was not. Then I thought that since I can't clean off the plaque – so no harm cause he can't, and poured the kefir into the jar. Then put it in a water bath and began to wait, when you have the cheese to separate it, and a serum to use as a base for okroshka. After a while it all happened. Cheese I'm safely gathered into the Cup, and the serum poured into the pan, cooked for hash.
What I saw after that shocked me. The Bank, which I so diligently tried to no avail to clean, glistened and shone like newly released from the conveyor. I had to think.
Whey did your job just perfect, the water stone not a trace. I was just in awe. It was my little discovery. It became clear to me, where does the health of the highlanders.
Eating enough mineralized water (and the Caucasus and is famous for its great diversity), these people would have to suffer from various kinds of kidney stones, but, using this unique product, as whey, their body receives a sufficient number of useful minerals without the formation of kidney stones and deposits in blood vessels. I think that this product may well serve as a prevention of an urolithic illness.
Recipe okroshka on serum:
1. Kefir – 1 liter. (Pour into jar and put in a water bath. When the curd will gather in the upper part, remove carefully, drain the rest through a strainer or through cheesecloth. Cheese can be used as food.)
2. Potato – 1 large potato.
3. Cucumber – 1 medium.
4. Sausage "doctor" – 300 g
5. Eggs – 2-3 PCs.
6. Radish – 2 PCs.
Fill all sour cream, to taste you can add salt and other spices. Yogurt need to take from a good manufacturer, natural. If the yogurt is bad, cheese is not going to, and, respectively, the serum does not work. Kefir is better to take three to five days, then the serum will be sourer.
Source: /users/1077