The lawn at the cottage - typical mistakes
Not having a lawn at the cottage is indecent. Almost as unseemly as it used to have grass (read “weeds”) on the site. How to plant a lawn in the country, so that was pleasing to the eye, and the extra trouble caused Lazy gardener?The first thing is to decide why do we need a lawn?If the professional game of football or tennis, this article is not for You. Note, also not for those whose life goal is the perfect lawn, that is exclusively grass lawn, homogeneous, without a single dandelion, or forget-me-nots.
For me, as for most gardeners, garden lawn, or rather, the lawn is the method of combating weeds by displacing, as well as a place to play, walk, crawl and lying on the grass. Because grass lawn allowing for a certain amount of clover, forget-me-nots and even dandelions, I was quite satisfied. I like any lazy, do not like it categorically, is the use of herbicides, weeding the lawn and the annual replanting of grass patches.
Breaking up the lawn, people often step on the same rake, making the typical mistakes (and I am no exception). Let's look at typical mistakes in the organization of the lawn at their summer cottage.
The steps of creating an Amateur mixed grass lawnin Fact, ideally, phase only two:
Platform alignment. Lawn care (watering-mowing, and so 500 years). Ideally, planting grass does not need water and mow, and the lawn is ensured. Over time, the grains will slowly displace the beds dandelions, nettles and quinoa, and the quinoa first, then nettles and sometime in the distant future, perhaps even the dandelions.
Again, ideally, on the site themselves settled those herbs who live there comfortable, in the sun — drought resistant, shade — semi-shade. Water and mow...
In practice, all wrong or almost wrong.
First, the land leveling is a difficult task. And not always solved in the best way. We have, for example, the fertile soil layer was tightly buried in clay from under the house Foundation.
Secondly, that grass is densely populated dug up the plot, you need more than one year. And I want to see result today, at least tomorrow. Because the lawn we prefer still to sow. Here begins the error.
When to sow the lawnIf You people lazy with watering the lawn is best avoided. So, to sow a lawn it is necessary in may and early June. While rains. The drought we are in the Middle lane in recent times is not uncommon even in June.
How to plant a lawn. Typical mistakesyou Want all at once, and preferably more. Therefore we choose the fast-growing grass. Of course, if the dream is so close, if possible for a couple of weeks to turn into a green lawn that is the nettle with quinoa or that mud puddle, why not hurry?..
But grass will grow, will grow, even if You don't get. And then it will have to mow. Mow once a week, if the grass is growing and summer is rainy. And so every summer. Draw your own conclusions.
Moorish lawnbeen there, done that. Looks good in the first year. Next season, in the best case turns into a common lawn. If anyone was able to keep Moorish lawn a few years (only without fanaticism, without manual weeding and digging with replanting) — write, please.
Overseeding clover into the lawnI did. White clover tolerates mowing, it covers bald spots at a young lawn, especially in drought. Very nutritious for livestock and useful for the soil. But, if cow, or at least a goat You do not, the clover will bring some inconvenience.
Namely, it is a lot. He's fat. A bunch of juicy green mass. Capacity mower quickly filled, a knife bogged down in a green mess, even in dry weather. In the end, shake the container and clean the mower has two to three times more often than in cereals. But the lawn is green and good, clover dandelions effectively displaces cereals. Draw your own conclusions.
And yet, the main mistake a novice gasovoda is the quest for the perfect lawn. Herbicides, spetsstavki for uprooting dandelions, annual patching bald spots, Vaskresenie mosses, dealing with ants...
We lawn or the lawn for us?
P. S. the author's Opinion may not coincide with opinion of readers.
Source: sadovos.ru/
For me, as for most gardeners, garden lawn, or rather, the lawn is the method of combating weeds by displacing, as well as a place to play, walk, crawl and lying on the grass. Because grass lawn allowing for a certain amount of clover, forget-me-nots and even dandelions, I was quite satisfied. I like any lazy, do not like it categorically, is the use of herbicides, weeding the lawn and the annual replanting of grass patches.
Breaking up the lawn, people often step on the same rake, making the typical mistakes (and I am no exception). Let's look at typical mistakes in the organization of the lawn at their summer cottage.
The steps of creating an Amateur mixed grass lawnin Fact, ideally, phase only two:
Platform alignment. Lawn care (watering-mowing, and so 500 years). Ideally, planting grass does not need water and mow, and the lawn is ensured. Over time, the grains will slowly displace the beds dandelions, nettles and quinoa, and the quinoa first, then nettles and sometime in the distant future, perhaps even the dandelions.
Again, ideally, on the site themselves settled those herbs who live there comfortable, in the sun — drought resistant, shade — semi-shade. Water and mow...
In practice, all wrong or almost wrong.
First, the land leveling is a difficult task. And not always solved in the best way. We have, for example, the fertile soil layer was tightly buried in clay from under the house Foundation.
Secondly, that grass is densely populated dug up the plot, you need more than one year. And I want to see result today, at least tomorrow. Because the lawn we prefer still to sow. Here begins the error.
When to sow the lawnIf You people lazy with watering the lawn is best avoided. So, to sow a lawn it is necessary in may and early June. While rains. The drought we are in the Middle lane in recent times is not uncommon even in June.
How to plant a lawn. Typical mistakesyou Want all at once, and preferably more. Therefore we choose the fast-growing grass. Of course, if the dream is so close, if possible for a couple of weeks to turn into a green lawn that is the nettle with quinoa or that mud puddle, why not hurry?..
But grass will grow, will grow, even if You don't get. And then it will have to mow. Mow once a week, if the grass is growing and summer is rainy. And so every summer. Draw your own conclusions.
Moorish lawnbeen there, done that. Looks good in the first year. Next season, in the best case turns into a common lawn. If anyone was able to keep Moorish lawn a few years (only without fanaticism, without manual weeding and digging with replanting) — write, please.
Overseeding clover into the lawnI did. White clover tolerates mowing, it covers bald spots at a young lawn, especially in drought. Very nutritious for livestock and useful for the soil. But, if cow, or at least a goat You do not, the clover will bring some inconvenience.
Namely, it is a lot. He's fat. A bunch of juicy green mass. Capacity mower quickly filled, a knife bogged down in a green mess, even in dry weather. In the end, shake the container and clean the mower has two to three times more often than in cereals. But the lawn is green and good, clover dandelions effectively displaces cereals. Draw your own conclusions.
And yet, the main mistake a novice gasovoda is the quest for the perfect lawn. Herbicides, spetsstavki for uprooting dandelions, annual patching bald spots, Vaskresenie mosses, dealing with ants...
We lawn or the lawn for us?
P. S. the author's Opinion may not coincide with opinion of readers.
Source: sadovos.ru/