The lawn in Russian: 4 simple variant of landing
Stories about the fact that the creation of the English lawn needs 200 years to mow the lawn and fertilize the grass, they know everything. In fact, in order for the plot was decent lawn, only two or three years a simple operation.
The easiest and most economical way of creating a lawn is regularly cut the grass on the plot. As a result, the weeds themselves will disappear, but will remain grass the grass that tolerate mowing and clover.
Such a lawn will work for three years, and it will have to constantly mow.
Fertilize lawn not necessary – the grass grows so. And without aeration you can do. The area will be a natural selection – only the most hardy survive.
If you buy seeds for planting – note pobedonosnaya bentgrass or bentgrass narrow-leaved. A big plus of these herbs is that they do not need to mow. They form in two years, a dense turf, through which not break the weeds, and which will resemble a green silk — so delicate and soft grass.
Well the fact that bent grass is very hardy to trampling. So it is safe to go and have a Seating area. Only the soil for planting it is necessary to cook well. To dig, picking the roots of weeds, stones; it is useful to add under the digging the sand and leveling the surface so that the lawn looked especially good. After sowing the soil, it is desirable to roll.
Even when autumn sowing bent grass time to grow and until frost forms on the velvet greens.
But bald spots will grow only in the second year.
To cope with the weed, bent grass, the first time can be cut. Do the first mowing to a height of 5-6 cm, then the height of 8-9 see If the weeds are not winning, the bent grass is cut. The more that fell in her apples and pears are not damaged.
Under the trees you can plant early flowering bulb plants, lilies. In the spring they will literally permeate the green carpet in different colors. Only they should not be planted too densely. For a few years and they will grow well.
Most patient gardeners can put on the lawn special pattern according to which you can plant crocuses in different colours. Spring will make a beautiful picture.
After planting bulbous the ground is leveled, rolled down and sown grasses. Although, can be filled with bulbs and ready-made lawn. To do this, punch a hole in the carpet with a crowbar or rebar and put the bulbs.
In the spring this lawn will shoot multi-colored flowers.
You can not buy expensive cosmetics, instead, to take the neighbors cuttings common periwinkle. In the spring it blooms beautiful blue flowers that look very nice.
Besides, periwinkle forms a long whip, which root easily, allowing you to quickly overgrow large areas and tighten the bald spots.
This plant is mowed, a, Cso that the lawn looked very beautiful, is planted periwinkle undersized, which does not grow above 15 cm.
To periwinkle quickly grew, it regularly rolled down, then he quickly takes root at the nodes.
The best time to plant Vinca – August.published
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P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: hozvo.ru/news/garden/gazon_po_russki_chetyre_sposoba_sozdaniya/
The easiest and most economical way of creating a lawn is regularly cut the grass on the plot. As a result, the weeds themselves will disappear, but will remain grass the grass that tolerate mowing and clover.

Such a lawn will work for three years, and it will have to constantly mow.
Fertilize lawn not necessary – the grass grows so. And without aeration you can do. The area will be a natural selection – only the most hardy survive.
If you buy seeds for planting – note pobedonosnaya bentgrass or bentgrass narrow-leaved. A big plus of these herbs is that they do not need to mow. They form in two years, a dense turf, through which not break the weeds, and which will resemble a green silk — so delicate and soft grass.

Well the fact that bent grass is very hardy to trampling. So it is safe to go and have a Seating area. Only the soil for planting it is necessary to cook well. To dig, picking the roots of weeds, stones; it is useful to add under the digging the sand and leveling the surface so that the lawn looked especially good. After sowing the soil, it is desirable to roll.
Even when autumn sowing bent grass time to grow and until frost forms on the velvet greens.
But bald spots will grow only in the second year.
To cope with the weed, bent grass, the first time can be cut. Do the first mowing to a height of 5-6 cm, then the height of 8-9 see If the weeds are not winning, the bent grass is cut. The more that fell in her apples and pears are not damaged.
Under the trees you can plant early flowering bulb plants, lilies. In the spring they will literally permeate the green carpet in different colors. Only they should not be planted too densely. For a few years and they will grow well.
Most patient gardeners can put on the lawn special pattern according to which you can plant crocuses in different colours. Spring will make a beautiful picture.

After planting bulbous the ground is leveled, rolled down and sown grasses. Although, can be filled with bulbs and ready-made lawn. To do this, punch a hole in the carpet with a crowbar or rebar and put the bulbs.
In the spring this lawn will shoot multi-colored flowers.
You can not buy expensive cosmetics, instead, to take the neighbors cuttings common periwinkle. In the spring it blooms beautiful blue flowers that look very nice.
Besides, periwinkle forms a long whip, which root easily, allowing you to quickly overgrow large areas and tighten the bald spots.

This plant is mowed, a, Cso that the lawn looked very beautiful, is planted periwinkle undersized, which does not grow above 15 cm.
To periwinkle quickly grew, it regularly rolled down, then he quickly takes root at the nodes.
The best time to plant Vinca – August.published
Also interesting: Drought-resistant garden plants: choosing the most beautiful varieties of
How to make a sofa made of grass in the garden with his own hands
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: hozvo.ru/news/garden/gazon_po_russki_chetyre_sposoba_sozdaniya/
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