What prevents men to treat erectile dysfunction
Two million seven hundred eighty nine thousand five hundred sixty four
The southern Illinois University was conducted a study according to which young people with erectile dysfunction often do not follow the recommendations of doctors regarding the treatment. Scientists have carried out a detailed analysis of this problem and found that of the 6.2 million verified cases only a quarter of patients take medications throughout a year of treatment. The study's author, Professor Kevin Macari, believes that the reasons for the neglect of "men's health" there are several. Some men believe that ED is not a very big problem and it is not necessary for her to survive, but these are a minority. For most the problem is either psychological, or financial in nature. Because drugs are not very cheap, but a visit to the pharmacy with a prescription for these drugs can cause shame and obvious discomfort, that makes you want to get rid of. But doctors warn that such attitude to the treatment of ED could end very badly fraught with impotence.
Source: estet-portal.com