Tips of Ayurveda for every day
1. Immediately after waking up drink one large glass of still water. It helps start bowel on normalizes your stool;
2. After drink water, take a shower, preferably with shampoo – this will help to cleanse the subtle body of prana and mind;
3. After the shower you can also make some quiet static exercises – the asanas of Hatha yoga, for example;
4. After each brushing to stimulate circulation and prevent paradontoza, it is necessary for 5 minutes to rinse your mouth with sesame oil, passing it through his teeth. After rinsing massage the gums with your finger;
5. After each meal you should try to brush your teeth, wash with running water eye, sprinkle on top of the foot and a little water;
6. After returning home after a busy day to take a warm shower in order to cleanse your subtle body from negative information, which could accumulate during the day after talking with many people;
7. To improve the skin you must wipe it in the morning and evening, with ice, preferably made of chamomile infusion.
8. Before sleep is very useful for short Hiking 20-30 minutes;
9. In the morning, so it should be a walk – a leisurely walk will set a calm tone for the day;
10. Ayurveda advises to take food after 18:00. As well as highly recommend an hour before bedtime drink a glass of honey sweetened milk with any spices – cardamom, saffron, fennel.
Source: /users/1077