5 Best Foods to Balance Hormone in Women
If you feel constantly tired for no particular reason, often look like a storm cloud that is about to rain, cranky or inactive in the bedroom, you may experience a serious hormonal imbalance. And you won’t be alone: according to the latest statistics in the United States (we don’t have such large-scale studies yet, but judging by the symptoms, this applies to all women), about 80-90% of the adult population suffer from hormone disorders. Pesticides in our products, pollution and chemicals in the environment and food significantly undermine healthy hormonal levels. In addition, a confused regime and constant stress in addition slow down self-healing. Try eating only organic foods (and rinse them thoroughly before eating), switch to all-natural oils, and avoid using spices with glutamates and flavor enhancers. A natural way to stabilize female hormones is foods rich in essential nutrients.
Here are five important organic foods for female hormones that have a positive effect on your health and help you find peace and balance in your daily life.
1. Algae have been used in natural medicine for centuries, especially for women. Kelp, wakame and other seaweed are rich in iodine, which helps normalize the thyroid gland. They are also rich in calcium, iron, potassium and vitamins B1, B2, and B12. They can also protect against bacterial and fungal infections. Algae have such a healing effect that it can also protect against radioactive poisoning! Try to cook salads from Japanese cuisine or teach yourself to eat sea kale.
2. One of the healthiest foods for women - maca, is a Peruvian root vegetable. It is easiest to find in powder form in health food stores. It is rich in protein, vitamins B1, B12, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc, which allows you to keep testosterone levels normal. Maca increases sexuality, improves the functioning of the reproductive system and relieves menstrual pain, moodiness, anxiety and depression. This root vegetable also increases physical endurance, athletic performance and mental concentration. To get the effect, simply add a tablespoon of this powder to your morning breakfast, such as cereal or even cottage cheese.
3. The reputation of chocolate as an aphrodisiac is well deserved. Dark chocolate contains zinc, which helps normalize sex hormones. And again, the copper and iron you need, and you get half your daily allowance by eating just a few slices. In addition to these hormonal benefits, dark chocolate is well known as a medicine to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. So, when you go to the store, feel free to grab a bar of dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa and feel how you are benefiting your hormones right now.
4. Coconut oil is one of the healthiest oils in our culinary life. Studies have shown that regular consumption of coconut oil actually reduces the amount of abdominal fat. It also increases your body’s defense against viruses, bacteria, yeast and parasites. In addition, coconut oil promotes normal thyroid function and balances your insulin levels. It can be cooked or simply added a tablespoon to your smoothie or smoothie for greater nutritional benefit.
5. This plant promotes the healthy functioning of the adrenal glands, which produce hormones such as adrenaline. It is known for its main property - regulates the level of the body's response to stress. If you become very scared or you are very angry with someone, then adrenaline will stand out very much, you will have more frequent breathing and heartbeat. For some time, your body will enter the reserve mode and you can quickly escape or defend yourself well. But after such emissions, the body is depleted. If you have problems with the adrenal glands, then you will experience stress constantly. And again stabilize your female hormones products containing licorice. This plant also helps with infertility, chronic fatigue and eczema. That licorice, which is sold in supermarkets in the form of sweets, no longer contains the necessary substances, so try to find dried or powdered in the pharmacy and use as an additive to tea.
Source: /users/1077

Here are five important organic foods for female hormones that have a positive effect on your health and help you find peace and balance in your daily life.
1. Algae have been used in natural medicine for centuries, especially for women. Kelp, wakame and other seaweed are rich in iodine, which helps normalize the thyroid gland. They are also rich in calcium, iron, potassium and vitamins B1, B2, and B12. They can also protect against bacterial and fungal infections. Algae have such a healing effect that it can also protect against radioactive poisoning! Try to cook salads from Japanese cuisine or teach yourself to eat sea kale.
2. One of the healthiest foods for women - maca, is a Peruvian root vegetable. It is easiest to find in powder form in health food stores. It is rich in protein, vitamins B1, B12, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc, which allows you to keep testosterone levels normal. Maca increases sexuality, improves the functioning of the reproductive system and relieves menstrual pain, moodiness, anxiety and depression. This root vegetable also increases physical endurance, athletic performance and mental concentration. To get the effect, simply add a tablespoon of this powder to your morning breakfast, such as cereal or even cottage cheese.
3. The reputation of chocolate as an aphrodisiac is well deserved. Dark chocolate contains zinc, which helps normalize sex hormones. And again, the copper and iron you need, and you get half your daily allowance by eating just a few slices. In addition to these hormonal benefits, dark chocolate is well known as a medicine to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. So, when you go to the store, feel free to grab a bar of dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa and feel how you are benefiting your hormones right now.
4. Coconut oil is one of the healthiest oils in our culinary life. Studies have shown that regular consumption of coconut oil actually reduces the amount of abdominal fat. It also increases your body’s defense against viruses, bacteria, yeast and parasites. In addition, coconut oil promotes normal thyroid function and balances your insulin levels. It can be cooked or simply added a tablespoon to your smoothie or smoothie for greater nutritional benefit.
5. This plant promotes the healthy functioning of the adrenal glands, which produce hormones such as adrenaline. It is known for its main property - regulates the level of the body's response to stress. If you become very scared or you are very angry with someone, then adrenaline will stand out very much, you will have more frequent breathing and heartbeat. For some time, your body will enter the reserve mode and you can quickly escape or defend yourself well. But after such emissions, the body is depleted. If you have problems with the adrenal glands, then you will experience stress constantly. And again stabilize your female hormones products containing licorice. This plant also helps with infertility, chronic fatigue and eczema. That licorice, which is sold in supermarkets in the form of sweets, no longer contains the necessary substances, so try to find dried or powdered in the pharmacy and use as an additive to tea.
Source: /users/1077
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