The 9 best herbs for kidney cleansing
Medical errors annually cause the death of almost 800 thousand people. About 106 thousand of them die due to improperly prescribed drugs.
In our society it has become normal to swallow pills at the slightest discomfort. Dependence on drugs is increasing rapidly, but few people realize the healing power that lies in ordinary plants, literally growing under our feet. Meanwhile, almost any disease can be cured without resorting to drugs.
As Hippocrates said, "let food become medicine."
The kidneys perform several important functions, one of which is the regulation of water content in the body. They are responsible for removing excess water or storing it, if the body is deficient of moisture. They also help to regulate blood in the body minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium and so on. In addition, kidneys help the body get rid of harmful toxins.
No less important role of the kidneys is to produce hormones. These hormones circulate throughout the body with the blood and regulate, for example, blood pressure levels, influence the formation of red blood cells, and so on. They also produce vitamin D.
Here are a few products that will allow your kidneys to stay clean and healthy:
1. Chunk Pedra
The name of the chunk Pedra in Spanish means "jobasha stones".
For centuries the inhabitants of South Africa used this plant as an effective means of helping to get rid of gallstones, kidney and liver, and to treat dropsy, urinary tract infections, as a diuretic and antispasmodic means.
2. Goldenrod
Tribes of American Indians has long and actively used goldenrod for the treatment of diseases of the urinary tract. Studies have shown that this herb truly has healing properties that can help in cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, diseases of the kidneys and bladder.
3. Hydrangea root
Hydrangea root as a drug enjoyed great popularity among the American Indians and the first settlers. And those and others are actively used hydrangea root to treat and maintain the health of the kidneys and bladder. This plant acts as a "solvent" of kidney stones. In addition, hydrangea root helps the body properly absorb calcium, preventing, thus, the formation of new stones.
4. Celery root
The roots and seeds of celery are used for many centuries as a natural diuretic. This plant helps to rid the body of toxic substances that go along with the urine. In addition, celery contains nutrients such as potassium and sodium.
5. Stevia purple
The root of the stevia Magenta has long been known as an effective means of warning the formation of kidney stones and as a diuretic. Its effectiveness is partly due to the content Marina — solvent and fighting harmful organisms substances. Thanks Marino root stevia can also be used to prevent infections.
6. Bearberry
Useful properties of the bearberry (or bear berry) have long been known in many cultures. It is used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary system for removal of stones and sand, purifying the kidneys.
7. Althaea officinalis
Marshmallow root has long been known as a great pain reliever and mild diuretic, it has a beneficial effect on the tissues of the urinary tract. Studies have confirmed that this plant has a protective action on mucous membranes, soothing the pain and softening inflammatory processes.
8. Dandelion root
Dandelion root has been successfully used in folk medicine for the treatment of diseases of the liver, bladder, kidneys and gall bladder.
9. Parsley
This favorite fragrant culinary herb is effective herbal remedy. Its diuretic properties allow it to cleanse the kidneys and urinary tract from accumulated there harmful substances.
source: mixednews.ru
Source: /users/1077

In our society it has become normal to swallow pills at the slightest discomfort. Dependence on drugs is increasing rapidly, but few people realize the healing power that lies in ordinary plants, literally growing under our feet. Meanwhile, almost any disease can be cured without resorting to drugs.
As Hippocrates said, "let food become medicine."
The kidneys perform several important functions, one of which is the regulation of water content in the body. They are responsible for removing excess water or storing it, if the body is deficient of moisture. They also help to regulate blood in the body minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium and so on. In addition, kidneys help the body get rid of harmful toxins.
No less important role of the kidneys is to produce hormones. These hormones circulate throughout the body with the blood and regulate, for example, blood pressure levels, influence the formation of red blood cells, and so on. They also produce vitamin D.
Here are a few products that will allow your kidneys to stay clean and healthy:
1. Chunk Pedra
The name of the chunk Pedra in Spanish means "jobasha stones".
For centuries the inhabitants of South Africa used this plant as an effective means of helping to get rid of gallstones, kidney and liver, and to treat dropsy, urinary tract infections, as a diuretic and antispasmodic means.
2. Goldenrod
Tribes of American Indians has long and actively used goldenrod for the treatment of diseases of the urinary tract. Studies have shown that this herb truly has healing properties that can help in cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, diseases of the kidneys and bladder.
3. Hydrangea root
Hydrangea root as a drug enjoyed great popularity among the American Indians and the first settlers. And those and others are actively used hydrangea root to treat and maintain the health of the kidneys and bladder. This plant acts as a "solvent" of kidney stones. In addition, hydrangea root helps the body properly absorb calcium, preventing, thus, the formation of new stones.
4. Celery root
The roots and seeds of celery are used for many centuries as a natural diuretic. This plant helps to rid the body of toxic substances that go along with the urine. In addition, celery contains nutrients such as potassium and sodium.
5. Stevia purple
The root of the stevia Magenta has long been known as an effective means of warning the formation of kidney stones and as a diuretic. Its effectiveness is partly due to the content Marina — solvent and fighting harmful organisms substances. Thanks Marino root stevia can also be used to prevent infections.
6. Bearberry
Useful properties of the bearberry (or bear berry) have long been known in many cultures. It is used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary system for removal of stones and sand, purifying the kidneys.
7. Althaea officinalis
Marshmallow root has long been known as a great pain reliever and mild diuretic, it has a beneficial effect on the tissues of the urinary tract. Studies have confirmed that this plant has a protective action on mucous membranes, soothing the pain and softening inflammatory processes.
8. Dandelion root
Dandelion root has been successfully used in folk medicine for the treatment of diseases of the liver, bladder, kidneys and gall bladder.
9. Parsley
This favorite fragrant culinary herb is effective herbal remedy. Its diuretic properties allow it to cleanse the kidneys and urinary tract from accumulated there harmful substances.
source: mixednews.ru
Source: /users/1077
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