What happens if sushi were fresh
In the world today sushi is popular as never before, but their use from the point of view of security has evolved into a kind of "Russian roulette". One man's love of sashimi nearly killed: his body was once riddled with tapeworms. It is quite sufficient reason to work together with each piece of sushi to eat some wasabi as Japanese horseradish, this easily kills the parasites.
Parasites in sushi rolls – a common occurrence because this dish is not considered from the point of view of culinary standards for thermally processed. They can cause a variety of digestive disorders, can make a person miserable for a few days.
A Chinaman was in a very bad situation when turned to the doctor with a complaint of abdominal pain and itching. Scan results led him in horror, because the whole body was affected tapeworms, trapped in the body resulting from the consumption of a large number of sashimi. Parasites ingested with slices of raw fish.
Usually in China before serving raw fish to the table, freeze it. Hygienic standards require that any fish (except tuna) are intended for raw consumption frozen at a temperature not higher than minus twenty degrees for seven days at minus thirty-five degrees for fifteen hours. After this treatment, the parasites die, and the fish retains its freshness.
The doctors came to the conclusion that raw Japanese delicacies of meat or fish has been infected before he got on the table to the unlucky Chinese gourmet. He was treated at state hospital No. 8 of the Guangzhou city in Eastern China.
Worm in sushi
Studies found that the consumption of raw or insufficiently cooked fish can cause infection of various parasites.
Infestation of worms can occur if you hit them in the guise of the body along with raw freshwater fish, such as salmon, and marinated or smoked fish can also contain some number of larvae.
Interestingly, thanks to improved sanitary conditions in poor regions of the world cases have become more rare, while in the more developed countries, they increased considerably.
The author of the study published in the canadian magazine "Family doctor" Nancy Craig writes: "the Main culprit – wide popularity of Japanese food sushi and sashimi. However, some other dishes can also cause this infection, such as raw salted or marinated fillets, which came from the Baltic or Scandinavian cuisine, "carpaccio" – thin slices of raw fish with seasonings, popular in Italy, raw salmon or Latin American ceviche – raw fish marinated in lemon juice".
Doctor Jin, doctor hospital in Guangzhou says that eating raw food contaminated with the eggs of worms may eventually lead to cysticercosis, contact with adult worms in the human circulatory system. This infection can become life threatening in case if the worms get in the brain tissue. People may not experience any symptoms for several years or experience them occasionally. With time on the skin or in the muscle tissue occurs painless a convex seal with a diameter of one to two centimeters. There could also be neurological symptoms in case of brain damage. After months or even years, seals can become painful, swell and dissolve.
source: mixednews.ru
Source: /users/1077

Parasites in sushi rolls – a common occurrence because this dish is not considered from the point of view of culinary standards for thermally processed. They can cause a variety of digestive disorders, can make a person miserable for a few days.
A Chinaman was in a very bad situation when turned to the doctor with a complaint of abdominal pain and itching. Scan results led him in horror, because the whole body was affected tapeworms, trapped in the body resulting from the consumption of a large number of sashimi. Parasites ingested with slices of raw fish.
Usually in China before serving raw fish to the table, freeze it. Hygienic standards require that any fish (except tuna) are intended for raw consumption frozen at a temperature not higher than minus twenty degrees for seven days at minus thirty-five degrees for fifteen hours. After this treatment, the parasites die, and the fish retains its freshness.
The doctors came to the conclusion that raw Japanese delicacies of meat or fish has been infected before he got on the table to the unlucky Chinese gourmet. He was treated at state hospital No. 8 of the Guangzhou city in Eastern China.
Worm in sushi
Studies found that the consumption of raw or insufficiently cooked fish can cause infection of various parasites.
Infestation of worms can occur if you hit them in the guise of the body along with raw freshwater fish, such as salmon, and marinated or smoked fish can also contain some number of larvae.
Interestingly, thanks to improved sanitary conditions in poor regions of the world cases have become more rare, while in the more developed countries, they increased considerably.
The author of the study published in the canadian magazine "Family doctor" Nancy Craig writes: "the Main culprit – wide popularity of Japanese food sushi and sashimi. However, some other dishes can also cause this infection, such as raw salted or marinated fillets, which came from the Baltic or Scandinavian cuisine, "carpaccio" – thin slices of raw fish with seasonings, popular in Italy, raw salmon or Latin American ceviche – raw fish marinated in lemon juice".
Doctor Jin, doctor hospital in Guangzhou says that eating raw food contaminated with the eggs of worms may eventually lead to cysticercosis, contact with adult worms in the human circulatory system. This infection can become life threatening in case if the worms get in the brain tissue. People may not experience any symptoms for several years or experience them occasionally. With time on the skin or in the muscle tissue occurs painless a convex seal with a diameter of one to two centimeters. There could also be neurological symptoms in case of brain damage. After months or even years, seals can become painful, swell and dissolve.
source: mixednews.ru
Source: /users/1077