Non-trivial use of cardamom — 6 recipes
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Cardamom is not just a spice. It is an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic agent
1. Universal antiseptic.
Broth 1 tbsp. spoon of seeds of cardamom, prepared by boiling one Cup of water for 20 minutes is considered a universal antiseptic. It has antibacterial properties, and therefore can be used in domestic food poisoning, gargle in tonsillitis, in stomatitis and gingivitis.
2. Prevention of dental caries.
To do this, it's nice to chew 1-2 pinches cardamom. However, this will benefit only people without "holes" in the teeth and sores in the mouth.
3. Cosmetic.
A decoction of cardamom rinse hair against oily seborrhea and dandruff.
4. For weight loss.
It is added to baths, especially in salt. To slightly warm up my body enough that half a liter of broth 1 kg of sea salt for the standard bath. The procedure lasts no more than 20 minutes, it is advisable to do it in your underwear to protect mucous membranes.
5. Instead of enzyme preparations to improve digestion.
Cardamom, brewed with cloves and ginger in the ratio of 1:1 is a good modern analogue of the enzyme "Banquet" tablets consumed after overeating. According to some, this spice is capable of correcting the influence of alcohol and relieve a hangover, so the main thing spicy dish at a party can be very helpful.
6. Tonic and substitute for chewing gum.
Cardamom seeds when chewing not only freshen breath, but also have a light toning effect.
And chewing cardamom relieves nausea, for example, in the case if the person does not tolerate ride in transport.
Source: /users/1077
Cardamom is not just a spice. It is an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic agent
1. Universal antiseptic.
Broth 1 tbsp. spoon of seeds of cardamom, prepared by boiling one Cup of water for 20 minutes is considered a universal antiseptic. It has antibacterial properties, and therefore can be used in domestic food poisoning, gargle in tonsillitis, in stomatitis and gingivitis.
2. Prevention of dental caries.
To do this, it's nice to chew 1-2 pinches cardamom. However, this will benefit only people without "holes" in the teeth and sores in the mouth.
3. Cosmetic.
A decoction of cardamom rinse hair against oily seborrhea and dandruff.
4. For weight loss.
It is added to baths, especially in salt. To slightly warm up my body enough that half a liter of broth 1 kg of sea salt for the standard bath. The procedure lasts no more than 20 minutes, it is advisable to do it in your underwear to protect mucous membranes.
5. Instead of enzyme preparations to improve digestion.
Cardamom, brewed with cloves and ginger in the ratio of 1:1 is a good modern analogue of the enzyme "Banquet" tablets consumed after overeating. According to some, this spice is capable of correcting the influence of alcohol and relieve a hangover, so the main thing spicy dish at a party can be very helpful.
6. Tonic and substitute for chewing gum.
Cardamom seeds when chewing not only freshen breath, but also have a light toning effect.
And chewing cardamom relieves nausea, for example, in the case if the person does not tolerate ride in transport.
Source: /users/1077