As I met a mother in law, it is vital)
From time to time, feeling the compulsion to move and leave the wallet in the liquid currency, it breaks down like Schumacher from the start, and rushes to pour emotion slezmi historic homeland. Sometimes even without putting anyone aware of the exact coordinates of its location in space.
This was the case at this time. Winter. Saturday. Some smoky booze at home in the kitchen late at night, with songs downhill for more, universal fraternization, faience embracing each other, etc. You know.
Phone ring. Mother-in-law. "Meet me at the station at 5.30 tomorrow morning.
Meals of Nevel. " Once upon a time in Ligovka. Not far from the Moscow railway station.
In the morning, his whole being having experienced once heard the phrase in the movie "A living will envy the dead" and muttering to himself, "I should have married an orphan," breaks the frozen his rattletrap and fool from his own exhaust, food to the station.
The scoreboard "Arrival" read: train from Nevel №takoy a 5-35. Trying to maintain constant consciousness of fleeting thought that here eschechut little, meeting, deliver and fill up, so that all the hardships of abstinence syndrome survive unconscious.
Arrived at last! Cloudy eyes sought out in the surf crowd painfully familiar silhouette.
Nope. Forgot chtoli looks like? Or did not notice? Or just do not come?
The platform was empty. Tiffany's is not. He walked another to clear his conscience about 5 minutes, got in the car and home. Undressing on the go, bullet jump into bed and fell asleep almost instantly, managing to mutter something like "How should I know»
on the puzzling question better half where her mom. Dreaming of beer, seltzer, mountain lake ...... Call! I pick up the phone.
- Well, I came, I stand on the platform. Nobody met !!! »
As I looked through it somehow. The reverse sequence.
Dress up, cursing your birthday, wedding day, the railroad, the Communists, the whole world, I climb into the car ....
Railway station.
The platform is empty. Tiffany's is not.
Based on everywhere, staring at the face.
Even urns looked.
I call home.
"Honey, Grew, not your mom's here, though you Slash !!! »
"As there is no! She just called, grit that waits on the platform! »
I went to the platform. Empty.
Worm of doubt begins to stir in their own usefulness.
I called again. Calling for help remains of logic. Meeting place - Lenin !!!
"If your mother stopped ringing, and let him go to the monument to Lenin, I understand?
There it will wait »
I called
"I convey? So what? Where? At the monument? Good. SchA and take away food »
Thank God.
I go to the monument.
HAS NO !!!
E@@be b@@L Phantom any, Stealth, damn it.
I called
" WELL!!! »
"Well what ?? !!! It stands at the monument, waiting for you, kid, for 40 minutes, where you shlyaeshsya? Mom froze in piece of ice. »
Hmm. I throw a drink. Resolved.
The mind refuses to accept the situation. The clock is already 9.
I called
"Wait a minute, darling, do not yell. That's what I came up with. Let it go at that platformu, which arrived. It is now empty. They find much differently.
Number 7 platform! I got it?
SEVEN!!! And let there sticks out like a nail !!! All »
I am going to the seventh platform. EMPTY !!!
Ball Roll !!! Celina !!!
I called
"I fucking meeting, I KILL !!! Let him pray not to fall into my eyes! WHERE'S SHE? Call? »
"Mom called, crying, that there are seven platforms !!!
You are where you are, freak ?! »
Before the end of not believing, but knowing that it's true, a cold sweat. Railway station!!!
Well, of course!!!
But the train? From Nevel? In the 5-35? What's this? Glitches?
10-30 am. I sit in the car, overtaking own mat flying to Warsaw.
What I saw there was not even a half and a quarter of Tiffany !!!
I think she even cried with happiness !!!
11-00 Moscow time.
But the fact that Nevel come from two different trains of two different station in the same time !!!
A monument to humanity, as you know, on every station.
All re not going, and that, too, burst into tears.
This was the case at this time. Winter. Saturday. Some smoky booze at home in the kitchen late at night, with songs downhill for more, universal fraternization, faience embracing each other, etc. You know.
Phone ring. Mother-in-law. "Meet me at the station at 5.30 tomorrow morning.
Meals of Nevel. " Once upon a time in Ligovka. Not far from the Moscow railway station.
In the morning, his whole being having experienced once heard the phrase in the movie "A living will envy the dead" and muttering to himself, "I should have married an orphan," breaks the frozen his rattletrap and fool from his own exhaust, food to the station.
The scoreboard "Arrival" read: train from Nevel №takoy a 5-35. Trying to maintain constant consciousness of fleeting thought that here eschechut little, meeting, deliver and fill up, so that all the hardships of abstinence syndrome survive unconscious.
Arrived at last! Cloudy eyes sought out in the surf crowd painfully familiar silhouette.
Nope. Forgot chtoli looks like? Or did not notice? Or just do not come?
The platform was empty. Tiffany's is not. He walked another to clear his conscience about 5 minutes, got in the car and home. Undressing on the go, bullet jump into bed and fell asleep almost instantly, managing to mutter something like "How should I know»
on the puzzling question better half where her mom. Dreaming of beer, seltzer, mountain lake ...... Call! I pick up the phone.
- Well, I came, I stand on the platform. Nobody met !!! »
As I looked through it somehow. The reverse sequence.
Dress up, cursing your birthday, wedding day, the railroad, the Communists, the whole world, I climb into the car ....
Railway station.
The platform is empty. Tiffany's is not.
Based on everywhere, staring at the face.
Even urns looked.
I call home.
"Honey, Grew, not your mom's here, though you Slash !!! »
"As there is no! She just called, grit that waits on the platform! »
I went to the platform. Empty.
Worm of doubt begins to stir in their own usefulness.
I called again. Calling for help remains of logic. Meeting place - Lenin !!!
"If your mother stopped ringing, and let him go to the monument to Lenin, I understand?
There it will wait »
I called
"I convey? So what? Where? At the monument? Good. SchA and take away food »
Thank God.
I go to the monument.
HAS NO !!!
E@@be b@@L Phantom any, Stealth, damn it.
I called
" WELL!!! »
"Well what ?? !!! It stands at the monument, waiting for you, kid, for 40 minutes, where you shlyaeshsya? Mom froze in piece of ice. »
Hmm. I throw a drink. Resolved.
The mind refuses to accept the situation. The clock is already 9.
I called
"Wait a minute, darling, do not yell. That's what I came up with. Let it go at that platformu, which arrived. It is now empty. They find much differently.
Number 7 platform! I got it?
SEVEN!!! And let there sticks out like a nail !!! All »
I am going to the seventh platform. EMPTY !!!
Ball Roll !!! Celina !!!
I called
"I fucking meeting, I KILL !!! Let him pray not to fall into my eyes! WHERE'S SHE? Call? »
"Mom called, crying, that there are seven platforms !!!
You are where you are, freak ?! »
Before the end of not believing, but knowing that it's true, a cold sweat. Railway station!!!
Well, of course!!!
But the train? From Nevel? In the 5-35? What's this? Glitches?
10-30 am. I sit in the car, overtaking own mat flying to Warsaw.
What I saw there was not even a half and a quarter of Tiffany !!!
I think she even cried with happiness !!!
11-00 Moscow time.
But the fact that Nevel come from two different trains of two different station in the same time !!!
A monument to humanity, as you know, on every station.
All re not going, and that, too, burst into tears.
Tale of hedgehogs (which smoked afftor?)))
Another two working days, and began)) Yes, and what there is already working))