Motivation for sports

Scene from the cartoon Mark Osborne and John Stevenson's "Kung fu Panda" (2008)
Cartoon was made with elements of "UNL" — a special genre of Chinese fantasy,
in which the emphasis is on a demonstration of martial arts
To regularly vypisyvat yourself to the gym, you need a great desire. And, not a desire to lose weight by a certain date, and the desire to permanently change their lifestyle.
I often hear such questions: "How do I make myself go to the gym regularly?", "How do I start doing?", "How can I encourage myself not to quit?" and so on in the same spirit.
The first thought that comes to my mind, sorry, but you do want it or not? First, in General, the only incentive is your desire. If a person wants something, he'll do whatever it takes, but get this! All the other options are not given, if you have questions and doubts, then you simply do not want! Yeah, so emphatically I think.
How can you force yourself to do something, if not a great desire? Well, you can make one time... well, two, but it will not be the system and regular employment. The first thing that should be in your head, it's not "I want to lose weight/buff up/come to tone to a certain event/day/month". The goal should be one — "I want to change myself and my life, forever."
This may not be a temporary phenomenon, because when you get drawn into this life, then there is no way back. Anyway you're not the same that was before. Is it not a pity to lose all the results? Yes, it's not in the results, just change your thinking, consciousness and body as the most visible result. Nothing but your own reflection in the mirror, you are changing every day, can't stimulate more! But, a big but that many stops, it takes time, patience and lots of work.
Need clenching his teeth to endure, when you want everything at once it's hard, lazy, uncomfortable, but yet you still do not see anything significant. I want to give up, and someone does so. But someone still gets from the suffering, almost masochistic pleasure, because he knows he will be rewarded. You need every day, every minute to realize why you're doing this. FOR YOURSELF!
No one will want your results because no one will ever feel what you feel when you see in the mirror that he was striving for. And only you will know what price it was given to you. Yes, of course the opinion of others, enthusiasm, moans and groans, it is also nice, but it's not an incentive, it is not a goal and not a motivator.
Motivation is the realization that you CAN be ABLE to do it. Could change, not lowered his hands, did not turn back and radically changed their lives. Believe me, when you change the body, although it would seem looks are not very important in a person, so when it changes, then changing your own attitude, and changing attitude to life. If you're like me and love myself, and it feels, and the attitude of others towards you is changing. And if there is harmony inside and outside, is not this happiness for a person?
So, the conclusion — having a good body we have to happiness! Well I certainly exaggerate, but somewhere around there is truth. We need to set ourselves a global goal, but to move towards it in small steps, every day. Do not try to jump over your head, you have to go step by step, so easy, so right and every step is a small victory over him. Write, draw, whatever you like, big and all steps on the way to this great. And don't look back and don't stop! The feeling when you realize that you can do almost everything in your life that you're not dependent on circumstances, and every circumstance for you as a new opportunity, and you any difficulty can turn to their advantage, it is an incomparable feeling, believe me!
Well, it's all such big words, suddenly wanted to speak, you know, is like a rush! Well, that is not just so, I say to myself. I spent many years training went to the car, and now, it so happened, I walk. Got up at 5.30, and now get up at 5 to go to me about half an hour. And it's a thrill, but it's winter... I sometimes think of it, I will go out in the morning, and there is -30! Wow! And I think this stops me? No.
Because I know where I'm going, what is waiting for me there, and waiting only positive emotions, because each workout for me, as a holiday, and it is also for me an incentive, every morning to get a buzz, even for that I need a little frostbitten and waking up early. It's worth it.
And another important point. Don't adjust themselves, it will be hard and difficult, need to tune something you have is worth nothing, as the teeth in the morning to clean, even strain is not necessary for this reason. It will only be as we imagine it. So the struggle with them it is not a fight, but a pleasant adventure where winning gets everything he wants!
Source: /users/1077