Rules for emotional health Liz Burbo

Be attentive to your own thoughts! Remember, you can never control what they say or what they believe other people. But you can make the decision to become the master of your own thoughts and therefore his words, which are always a reflection of your thinking. Drink more water! We remind you that different types of fluid intake during the day, are not included in two liters of water you should drink daily. It has to be pure natural water and that can help you to clear away the acid, currently produced in almost all foods. Wear colored clothes! People who wear only black colored clothes tend to suffer from the so-called injury "rejected". Thus, they are like trying to reduce the degree of suffering they are experiencing, because the color black "cuts off" the ability to feel the world around. But they forget one thing: other people can't feel them. Find time for proper sleep! It would be great if before bed you decide to take in inspiring reading, which raises your vibrations of love and self-respect. If you still hard to sleep because of the increased activity of your mind, go and write down everything that happens in your head. When you will go to sleep, visualize your desire, but in any case not the current issue. Notice the beautiful! To surround yourself with beauty, do not need to spend a fortune. Go home and evaluate what you find beautiful in every subject. I think you'll quickly realize that "beautiful" does not always mean "expensive". To see the beauty, you need to be receptive to beauty. Cultivate this quality! Don't take life too seriously! This means to learn to let go, laugh more and not be so serious. To be able to let go means to continue to feel good, even if the results do not meet your expectations. To control everything is impossible! Never give up! Remember, if your desire is not fulfilled, means that you will find something better. So tell yourself that in life there are no failures or mistakes, there is only experience which helps to know yourself. © Liz Burbo
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