Laura Tedder. Conceived during rape, born as a result of abortion

Laura Tedder was conceived as a result of rape. Her mother tried to get rid of the baby by taking medication. She was born sick. She lost an eye. She fought cancer. She believes that God wants her to live.

My life began when my biological mother walked out of a bar and was raped. Before me, she had two daughters, and the third did not fit into her picture of the world. For nine months, she was on drugs trying to kill me. But I survived. And I was born. I was born with eye cancer. Two years later, the eye had to be removed.

Laura Tedder.

My biological mother took me to her brother's house three days later and said, "Here, take it." It happened. This is where my life began. They adopted me, her brother and wife. After that, I continued to perform facial surgery, more than a hundred operations. I had radiation, everything to stop the cancer. I had plastic surgery.

It was a difficult battle that I could not have fought without God’s grace. He led me through all this, through all the operations. My life is in Your hands, Lord. Take me wherever you want. Where you want me to be. I always had a guardian angel sitting next to me, always protecting me. He was there during all the operations. I survived. Then I had a brain tumor and I survived, and God led me through that.

Obviously, God wants me to be here because I love Him and He loves me.

I tried to reconcile with my biological mother. I was accepted into another family, she gave me to her brother and never tried to take me in. One day I told her I wanted to talk to her. She was warned that I was going to call her. I called. She said, "That's Laura." She said, "I know."

I said, “I just want to make up for what I’ve been missing in my life.” But she interrupted me, "I'll tell you, Laura." I hate you. You're the most spoiled and spoiled child I've ever met. You die all the time, your mother spoils you by being in the hospital with you 24 hours a day every day of the week. It is difficult not to spoil a child in this way.”

And I said to her, "I'm calling you today to say thank you so much for giving me away." For taking care of me and my life, helping me through all the surgeries. So I want to say, God bless you for giving me away. These words were followed by silence. She didn't know what to say.

I didn't hate her. For a long time I had bad feelings for her. But life goes on, she made her decision. I'm alive, I have one eye. I have a wonderful husband, son, grandchildren. I pray to God every day and thank Him for keeping me alive. I'm here for my faith in God. I am His vessel, and I preach the Word of God. He kept me here for a reason. And I believe that's the reason to tell people that miracles do happen. We must keep faith. You have to believe in God.

I believe you can overcome anything in life. Even if you think everything is extremely bad. No matter how bad it is. If you have faith, God will carry you through it. Sit down, pray and trust Him. Give Him your heart and give Him thanks for wanting you to live. Because you're here for a specific reason. No matter what happens to you, you can do anything with God.

Perhaps the worst will happen to you. Cancer. I've had cancer several times. I lost my eye in the fight against cancer, but I can still see. Whatever obstacles stand in your way, God is there for you. Remember that and trust God. That’s all you have to do: trust God, let God guide you through everything. Because that's why He's here. That's what He did for me.

I overcame everything because I believe. Because he promised me that. He said to me, "Laura, I'll take you through everything." And he did. He took me through everything, through hundreds of surgeries. And I'm still here. You can overcome all your difficulties if you believe in God.

Laura with her grandchildren

I was given two days to live when a brain tumor was discovered. Nobody knew about that. And when I got a call from work, I would say, "I have a headache, I can't do that today." I was wondering if I would be here in a couple of days.

But nothing else bothers me! There's no pain. That's how strong I am. Terribly strong. I've been through all these surgeries. And He gave me the best. Even in the darkest days, when cancer was very little known, it was not treated the way it is today. God brought me to the best doctors of the time so I could survive. So that I may be His vessel, so that I may speak of Him. Which I do.

I have a son who is next to me. He has twins. I’m so happy to have a husband, let’s start with that. He married a disabled man. We got married and had a son. Then we had twin grandchildren.

Abortion affects everything. If I didn’t survive, I wouldn’t have a husband, son and grandchildren. Abortion affects everything.

Translation by A. Gasparyan


Source: /users/1077


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