Universal Substitution of Concepts or Overton Window in Action

The theory of the American political scientist Joseph Overton, which explains how with the large-scale and uncontrolled use of the media by society, any idea of the unthinkable can be made not just accepted in society, but the only norm.
In order to see the validity of this theory, it is enough to look at modern Europe, where for a couple of decades pederasty and lesbianism have become the absolute norm, and now all the conditions are created for perverts to get a privileged position in society.
As the analysis of modern mass culture shows, the organizers of such innovations do not intend to stop there. Now there are new themes that pass through the first stages of Overton windows, are successful and relatively invisible to the whole society. They get into people’s minds like a snake from a bush. This is evident in modern films and cartoons aimed at the mass audience, in some news headlines of news agencies and newspapers, many of which can already be called international or world. Let’s try to find out what exactly is being legalized in the public consciousness.
This profession is not for nothing called the oldest, and yes, it was legalized in Europe and even in tsarist Russia for a long time. But the image of the prostitute has never been glorified, romanticized, or even idealized in culture. Never before has the image of a prostitute been the image of Cinderella, as in the almost classic film Pretty Woman.
If earlier the problem of prostitution was raised in works of literature or cinema, then the prostitute was usually shown as a victim of circumstances, the result of the viciousness of the system. Nowadays, the image of a voluntary prostitute is romanticized and humanized in cinema. The woman who chose this profession for herself. They become the main characters of films and TV series.
Foreign – “Pretty Woman”, “Customer List”, “The Secret Diary of a Call Girl”, “Diaries of the Red Shoe”, “Young and Beautiful”; domestic – “The Cursed Paradise”, “The Pit”, “Shadows of the Past” and others. And we named only those films where the prostitute is the main character. And if you expand the list to those pictures where they play a secondary, but positive role, then not a single article will be enough for this list, we can mention only those that are known to almost every Russian at least by posters: “Deaf”, “Karpov”, “Love blooms in spring”, “Open, police!”
Former porn actresses Pamela Anderson, Sasha Gray become extremely popular, play in ordinary films, come on official visits to Russia, sell their books in Russia.
For example, the Russian agency Interfax on March 6 told about the new erotic novel by Sasha Gray, published in Russia by the publishing house Eksmo. Earlier, the NTV channel enthusiastically commented on the participation of Sasha Gray in the rally from Vladivostok to Moscow, and the First channel invited her to the program “Evening Urgant”. The transformation of a porn actress into a brand and, in fact, the promotion of pornography by leading Russian publications is something that seemed unthinkable only recently, but has already become a reality. The next step is the legalization of prostitution at the legislative level.
Do you remember how often rape was mentioned in 50s movies? Or in the 19th or 18th century? Maybe painting?
No one says it didn’t happen, but it had no place in literature, painting or film. Now the topic of rape is raised in films, books, and not only as a crime, but even as a kind of game, praise for the beauty of a woman, a manifestation of love from a man. From the English language, we have already come to such a term as “rape culture”, that is, the culture of a society where rape is the norm, although officially punishable by law.
Today, sexual violence is actively romanticized in movies, in books, in music, in popular culture in general. In the popular works about vampires today, you can often find scenes in which the monster bites his victim. The paradox is that the monster itself is increasingly a positive character, and the victim enjoys violence.
The last mass breakthrough in this topic was the famous book, and then the film “50 Shades of Grey”, which has already gained huge popularity thanks to a large-scale advertising campaign in the media. The film, as in the books, tells about the relationship of a young girl and a sadist. The girl for the love of a man allows him to mock himself, but then realizes that she likes it. Despite numerous protests from religious and public organizations, the film was screened in Russia.
Cannibalism is still in its early stages, squeezed into the window of the “radical” in Europe, but today we can see how this topic is slowly coming out of the shadows.
In 1981, Thomas Harris wrote a novel about an intellectual, Dr. Lector. A man of amazing subtle mind, with a love of classical music, a great understanding of psychology and a difficult fate ... only one of this hero had a drawback - he ate people. Moreover, he also ate intelligently, creating culinary masterpieces from the meat of his victims and feeding these dishes to his many friends and guests.
The novel was filmed, new books, films, performances followed. Dr. Hannibal Lector became part of American culture, winning one of the most recognizable images of a maniac. At the same time, there were already positive notes in his image. He did not eat his friends or those whom he respected, and those who were clearly disliked by him and the viewer fell on his table. That's why the lecturer was like "Robin Hood" killing scoundrels, hypocrites, perverts and eating them.
Over time, the cannibal-Hannibal had a childhood trauma in the books, as well as a love for a young FBI employee, Clarisse Starling. In the film adaptations, the finale for the Lector was not the most deplorable, although not particularly pleasant: the Lecturer was deprived of his arm and rejected by Clarissa. But in the original novels he got everything he wanted - money, a woman and a carefree and happy life. Now the topic of Dr. Lecturer has resumed. The 2013 series “Hannibal” was released, which was very successful, and the image of the Lector underwent minor changes.
Now there are those among his victims who just got to the wrong time and place. If the former "hero" killed only unwanted, the modern - calmly deals with ordinary girls, only to prove something to his opponents in a dispute. The new Lecturer has become smarter and more successful than his predecessor, stronger than his enemies, and, according to the authors, the finale of the series will be similar to the end of the book, which means that this movie hero is now also waiting for a happy ending.
And in April 2015 will begin shooting a romantic melodrama about cannibals, which will star Keanu Reeves and Jim Carrey. In the film, one of the cannibals falls in love with his potential victim. With the help of such stories, Hollywood prepares the ground for a tolerant attitude in society to the problem of cannibalism.
The same topic should include the dominance of zombies on the screen, which recently can be quite positive characters even in children's cartoons, for example, Monster High. If earlier in the subcultures of zombies were only what the hero of a regular video game shot at, now even zombie parades are held in all cities of the world, including even in Russia. What may seem like innocent fun and stupidity to some is global and is a stage in the advancement of the Overton Window in the legalization of cannibalism.
Human meat shops have been opened in the UK. Of course, not real, but very well disguised. Despite the outrage in society, these stores (and this network) continue to operate.
In popular culture, informational occasions are regularly created that indirectly popularize cannibalism as the norm. In the winter of 1999, in Madrid, with wide publicity in the media, a performance of the artist from Mexico with the performance “Ge Latina” was held. The essence of the action was to eat a naked human figure, similar to the author himself and made of jelly. The figure was in a coffin of cream cake. The artist cut the pieces in the nude and treated the guests.
In 2011, Dutch TV hosts ate a piece of each other’s meat.
In February of this year, the actor who played Christian Gray in the already mentioned film “50 Shades of Grey”, ate a piece of cake made in the shape of himself.
In developed countries like Switzerland, Belgium and the Netherlands, incest is no longer illegal. The same is being prepared for all those who wish to join a “civilized society.”
Incest is promoted mainly through literature and film. For example, in the Canadian television series Borgia, a large storyline is devoted to the love between Lucrezia and Cesare Borgia - brother and sister, real historical personalities, whose personal life is still through the mouths of their contemporaries overgrown with a huge number of wild rumors. Cesare was credited with raping captives and seducing other people’s wives, and Lucretia had affairs with her own father and brother. Whether this is true, we will never know, but the filmmakers, as well as the authors of fiction books about the life of Lucrezia Borgia, turn the rumors of incest in the Borgia family into the story of Romeo and Juliet. In general, it should be noted that the shooting of films dedicated to famous people with sexual disabilities is already a trend, which in fact is a mechanism for legalizing such phenomena in the life of society.
In most cases, incest is romanticized as forbidden love. For example, the book “Close” written in Russia. Beyond what is allowed about intimate relationships between brother and sister, has this romantic annotation:
“Love... A strange word that characterizes many feelings and emotions. We can't live without love. Without your soul mate. Not being whole. But, what if this “half” is already the most dear person to you? What do you do when the love that happened to you is “wrong” for everyone? Back off? Or to fight for her to the last? Love is not for something, but in spite of it. . ?
Less romantic, but much more famous is the series of novels "Game of Thrones" or "Game of Thrones" by George Martin, which were filmed and have a huge number of fans. Among the large number of storylines and characters, it is difficult not to single out one of the brightest heroes of the books – Cersei and Jamie Lannister. They are twins, sister and brother, who have had intimate relationships for many years. They have a large number of quite healthy and beautiful children (which can be regarded as a conscious lie of the authors, since in most cases incest leads to pathologies of the offspring), the sin of their parents, gives only their golden hair color.
Today, the topic of incest can be found in children's and adolescent literature. The author of children's fantasy books Lisa Jane Smith, who wrote the filmed children's sagas "The Secret Circle" and "The Vampire Diaries", in the latter introduced a pair of twins whose behavior can be interpreted quite clearly:
“Only these two, Shinichi and Misao, held hands and sometimes even fondled each other. Elena could see it as they approached the hostel. I’ve never seen a brother and sister behave like this. . . ?
You can remember the book for children “Say, Red Riding Hood” by Beate Theresa Hanika. It tells the story of a paedophile grandfather who has a lust for his own granddaughter. The book is positioned as a publication that should inspire children to tell the truth when something bad happens in the family. But in fact, the story is shown in such a way that what is happening just does not like the main character, and therefore is a problem. The logical chain is simple – if she liked it, there would be nothing wrong with it.
Of the latest innovations, the series, which is shot on the plot of the immortal novel by L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”. The British film company, which decided to film Russian classics, added erotic scenes to the script, one of which will feature Natasha Rostova and her brother. Screenwriters are sure that in his novel Leo Tolstoy hinted at their relationship of a sexual nature. Russian film studio Lenfilm provided 190 costumes for filming.
This is how clearly, through the media and public opinion, the ideas of a new anti-human worldview are introduced to us. It seems crazy and incredible, but not long ago people were jailed for sodomy, and now those who oppose homosexual marriage are imprisoned in Europe.
What can I do to stop the movement of the forbidden through the Overton window?
Consciously understand and analyze all ideas and attitudes presented to us through books, media and movies. Develop in yourself and in your friends, relatives, children the skills of such analysis. To spread as much as possible an adequate view of such phenomena and to take an active part in the struggle for morality.
Conduct their own investigations, publish their results, apply to the court or prosecutor’s office. War has been declared against morality, traditional family and social norms. Only the active opposition of everyone can stop this process and reverse it. published
Author: Elizaveta Efremova
Source: talumala.com/en/chelovek/chelovek-i-ego-vselennaya/5109-vselenskaya-podmena-ponyatij