Express diet for 3 days

Situations requiring fast getting rid of accumulated pounds, occur in many women's lives. In such cases, some prefer to use the term special diets.
These methods are sometimes really effective, but can cause harm to health. In addition, often the kilograms dropped from stress, back, weight gain can become even more than before. To fix the result after using diet revision will help the lifestyle together with the correction of one's own eating behavior.
If before the event to which you want to lose weight, eat at least two weeks, you can use this method. In the morning skip Breakfast. Of liquids allowed coffee and green tea. Grated carrots and apples in unlimited quantities – lunch. Also allowed the use of a piece of bread from the flour or crackers. To eat on this diet is impossible. Some deviations are not prohibited: you can substitute cucumbers or cabbage, apples, vegetable or fruit juice to drink instead of tea and coffee.
To get rid of extra 3-5 kg is enough for a three-day protein diet. Low-fat cottage cheese and egg – based diet. Between meals should be kept equal to three hours interval. Soft-boiled egg Breakfast. Afternoon tea consists of unsweetened green tea and 150 g of cottage cheese. From the same materials, includes lunch. It is recommended to drink more mineral water – it will dampen hunger.
Actors often use the term diet, for 4 days. Wednesday or Thursday are best suited for its inception. The first day consists of boiled rice without salt and tomato juice, which can be used without restriction. During the second day yogurt and cheese, eat them to satiety. The morning of the third day should start with green tea of any variety without sugar. Food lean pork, Turkey or chicken. Products for end of the day: cheese and a bottle of dry red wine. To drink on this day the water is not recommended.
Will demonstrate the result of following diet a normal seat. Tighten it at the waist to the desired place in the volume (within reasonable limits, do not overdo it). Within a few days the menu Express diet should consist of:
• three of crackers;
• piece of boiled meat (low-fat);
• four apples;
• large amounts of fluid (water or tea with lemon).
After a few days, trying the strap again, you will see positive results.
Diets work better if you combine them with exercise. Morning exercises, swimming, Jogging in the Park, Cycling, General cleaning of the apartment – like physical activity will help achieve the desired shape.
The reaction of each organism to the limitations of the individual, what you need to remember. You must make sure that the diet you are not contraindicated. Rigid diet can exacerbate chronic diseases. If you have them to resort to such ways to lose weight should not be. Before you use a urgent diet, consult a doctor for advice.