5 diseases of people programmers

Programmers have a special mindset. On the one hand the need to strictly follow the technical specifications and the possibility of a creative approach on the other hand would make the profession quite flexible.
Sensing problems creatively, programmers come to their decisions freely. The programmer has the makings of a good strategist. If you cannot solve the problem immediately, with a running start, he begins to look for workarounds.
However, the convenience of flexibility has a downside. Very easy to get disoriented, to get lost, so to speak, in the wilds. Born as a result of various complexes, manias and phobias, a wide range which programmers can boast of no less than representatives of other computer occupations.
Page updates can be done by clicking the appropriate button in the browser. However, the professionals use hot keys: if you upgrade this F 5.
A programmer writing for the Web, one of the object-oriented programming languages, always keeps open the browser, periodically checking what happens. An innocent habit from time to time to refresh the page so entrenched that eventually becomes the established practice, and later on in the mania.
Manic pressing F 5, the programmer is trying to do what was done with Soviet TV – a blow to the body helped to bring the instrument to life.
The early stage of mania characterized by F 5 updates page every 5-7 minutes more advanced form forces the programmer to refresh the page every minute.
Treated syndrome experience, optimization of working time, a sense of futility frequent updates.
The fear of code — mere attack for any programmer. Each specialist – coder has its own logical thinking. Therefore, in order to work with someone else's code, you will need to first grasp and understand the principle of others thinking. It is not always easy. In any case, it takes a lot of time to understand the nuances and determine how it planned to solve the problem of unknown colleague.
If thinking is unfamiliar to the coder much differs from the way of thinking versed with the code of the programmer, there are difficulties. They lead to kodovilya – panic fear of someone else's code.
Over time, especially if the programmer often had to deal with the products of labor dissidents, develop a strong distaste and even disgust for someone else's code. Codafile can be expressed in a complete rejection of the third-party product and a complete unwillingness to work with him.
Treatments codafile does not exist. To work with semi-finished products nobody wants. Usually prevention of codafile is a significant increase in the price of rework someone else's code: the client is easier and cheaper to make a new order.
Clientfile (fear of communication with the client)
Programmer – being usually taciturn. Since it is necessary to keep in memory a set of formulas, rules, and terms to spend this most valuable memory in terms of negotiations it is not. Therefore, communication with the client for the programmer – not much more complex than the actual execution of the order.
Discussion of the project carries the risk of changes in the initial plan. Often customers think of the functionality in the execution process, and this is a significant increase in man-hours spent on the project. Programmer, already outline the date of completion of work, forced to extend the relationship, often without an increase to the stipulated value of works.
Having the experience of changing conditions in the process of discussion, an experienced programmer avoids communication with the client. This is the first stage of clientfile. Especially afraid of the programmer the real-time communication: continuing the work and interacting simultaneously, the programmer often finished with monosyllabic answers, sometimes agreeing to minor changes. Then, rereading the history of communication, some particularly immersed in the work taken for the head: in a brief conversation it turned out that you have to actually start working again!
After such a case, the communication messeger stops, and the only means of communication remains email. When replying to the question have time to think and to reject unacceptable proposals.
It is the rejection of the discussion of the project in real time is the main means of getting rid of clientfile.
The fear of improvements
Revision is an important part of the work on the project, and the inevitable. Not only what the project does not need modifications, and they are as you identify deficiencies of a program or script, and then stretched in time indefinitely.
Receiving a request for revision, the programmer gets a cultural shock. Even if refinement is easy to edit a few lines, the work is strongly delayed, postponed. Why? This question can not be answered even the singer. Perhaps it is in the special character held a technician to get to work which no one can, not even him. In any case, the fear of customisation – a common syndrome and the Bane of programmers.
Treatment of fear of modifications performed most effective financial methods. For example, saving the customer a certain amount, and the payment of part of it in exchange for another revision.
PHP – most common language for web applications. At the same time it is also the most hated by programmers language. The lack of features, lack of backwards compatibility between versions and multithreading make the language awkward for developers.
Kudos to PHP in programmer circles is very low. This stems from the relative simplicity and its wide application: most free and shareware content management system written in PHP. Hence, the relatively low cost of developing in PHP and the abundance of programmers among individuals without higher education.
PPPoE comes after mastering a programmer one of the major languages ( JS, C#, or Perl ). Knowing what I should avoid working with PHP because its mass will not succeed, programmer, however, working with this tool is so reluctant that transforms work into a kind of torture. Crushing and moans take more time than the actual execution of the order. Thus is produced a very specific phobia, which develops and grows stronger, fueled unsatisfied vanity.
Alas, Pprobe – incurable syndrome. However, cases of recovery, of course, available, being the exception that proves the rule.
Programming – the inheritance of the intellectuals who often turn out to be a little undisciplined at home and finances. From here stems most of the problems, phobias and syndromes.
Prevent the occurrence of most diseases can, taking it a rule not to rush the initial deliberations on the details of your order, carefully working through TK and not working more than one order at a time.
Source: inter-job.ru/stat_zdorovje_humor_bolezni_programmist.htm
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