7 the most important properties of dill

Dill is rich in vitamins A, C, B6, regulate insulin levels, prevents urinary tract infections-improves health, slows aging process, keeps the firmness of the tissues and make the skin soft.
Prevents osteoporosis: frequent use of the dill prevents bone loss, is a rich source of calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium and manganese.
Improve digestion: eating not only prevents excessive diarrhea and gas accumulation in the intestine, but also stimulates digestion due to the large number of contained fibers, regulates the level of acid from the stomach and eliminates bad breath.
Essential oils have a calming effect on the entire body, help to eliminate insomnia, headache, and even hiccups!
The health of the oral cavity: its disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties, prevents inflammation of gums, infections of the mouth and an unpleasant smell.
Menstrual pain: contains powerful phytoestrogens non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, reduces menstrual disorders and helps to regulate it.
Against cholesterol: regular consumption of fennel helps to reduce significantly the level of harmful cholesterol, thereby increasing the protection against cardiovascular diseases.
Antitumor properties: due to the large amount of flavonoids in its composition, reduces the risk of cancer by inhibiting tumor growth and destroys cancer cells and helps the body fight free radicals.
Moreover, it appears that frequent use of fennel slows the rate of hair growth in hairy people.
Source: samsebe-lekar.ru/publ/celebnye_svojstva_rastenij/ukrop/5-1-0-370