Chicken Tabaka
This dish, called "grilled Chicken" is a Georgian dish. Basically preparing the pan, but can be cooked in the oven. I'll share classic cooking.
Now a bit of history. Many called Chicken Tabaka, someone chicken tapaka. After preparing it in a special thick-walled pan, in Georgian "Tapa"
You will need:
Butter or ghee — 1 table.spoon
Chicken to 1 kg.
Salt-2 teaspoons
Garlic — 3 cloves
Ground black pepper, to taste
Cut the chicken along the breast. To beat slightly, RUB the skin with salt and pepper.
Cook in the frying PAN. Better with the yoke, but if not, then you can without a load.
In a pan melt the butter, put chicken back up, then put a plate and put something heavy to load.
Cook 20 minutes on one side and 20 minutes on the other.
The grilled chicken is ready. Bon appetit!
Source: www.7dach.ru
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