Breathtaking design ideas for small living room

Arrangement living room area of 18 sq m, a process requiring the utmost manifestation of fantasy, imagination and creative abilities. The size for the room we considered the model. However, you often have to deal with some nuances, because a non-standard configuration of the room hampers the process of development. It is not easy to create exclusive interiors in rooms with steel angles or in the form of an elongated rectangle where the window is opposite the door. Complicate the process equipment and doors in adjacent rooms.
Such problems can be solved through skillful design and arrangement of suitable furniture.

18 m2 – a relatively small space in the multifunctional room where you want to position a lot of the right things. Room compared to other rooms in the apartment bears the greatest burden. This is the place where the whole family gathered, held joint events, taking guests. It is a kind of business card of the house owners. It is important that the room was cosy and comfortable, spacious enough and modern.
BASIC RULES FOR THE DESIGN OF THE HALL 18 SQ.M Considering some of the features of visual perception and of the furniture, you can create unusual and unique interior, even in a small room. You should pay particular attention to:
most acceptable styles – classic and minimalist, because it is in these areas, the preference for clear geometric lines, minimal furniture and simple accessories.
the color scheme of the walls and ceiling should be bright, pale or cool colours: this creates the illusion of spaciousness;
the flooring is better to choose with a glossy sheen;
furniture modules-transformers – the best option for small rooms;
multi-level lighting will help to visually expand the space;
decor it is important to choose a simple shape, they should not be much.

The COLOR PALETTE IS the ABILITY to VISUALLY CHANGE the ROOM White color or cream shades will certainly create the atmosphere of spaciousness, tranquility and comfort. It is more suited to people who need peace and calm:

But such monotony can cause drowsiness and dull state in a person. In this case it is necessary to pick up a few bright accents that do not disturb the stylistic unity, but will add variety. It can be textile accessories, vases, furniture, paintings or books:

Do not be afraid of darker, faded or bright colors in the living room of small dimensions. The main thing is to allocate colors. Beige, brown or gray walls are ideal plain white ceiling, he will not allow you to visually reduce the area and will facilitate the space.

Dark upholstery is very easy to operate, but such chairs and sofas should be placed in a small living room with caution: they give the impression of limited free space:

CORRECTLY SELECTED FURNITURE CAN SOLVE the PROBLEM of a SMALL LIVING room Classic furniture sets will look somewhat awkward in a small room, so you should pay attention to lightweight construction. The perfect solution for an 18-metre hall – style furniture hi-tech:

Coffee tables glass-facilitate interior and do not clutter the room:

Sofa is the main and Central component of interior decoration. Its strength and ease must be given special attention. Best option for living room – corner sofas-transformers, consisting of several mobile modules. With their help it is easy to model the space and create additional bedrooms or places to stay:

Oblong Ottoman can transform into a table, if you place the original stand or tray:

If the distance from the wall to the window is insignificant in this kind of niche, you can position the shelf in the wall. Here you can place books or numerous Souvenirs:

Hanging shelves without vertical partitions will not clutter the living room:

If you avoid placing cabinets is impossible, it is better to arrange them in a niche:

The ZONING of the HALL When there is a need to modify the space, you can choose several ways to create zones for different needs. Even in the hall 18 sq. m it is possible to allocate territory for the design of the workplace. It is enough in the niche between the cabinets and bookshelves to install the countertop for the computer and put easy easy chair:

To separate hall dining area and a place to stay, perfect glass tables: dining and coffee. They create the impression of lightness of the interior and form a stylistic unity:

The value of the ACCESSORIES IN the VISUAL EXTENSION of the ROOM decor can also make the interior more spacious. If you want to increase the height of the room, use accessories with the vertical direction. Perfect in this case, long, narrow curtains or mirror in the form of an elongated rectangle:

And if you need to make a room wider, the jewelry should be positioned horizontally. Harmoniously fit into the interior of the triptych of the three horizontal prints:

Lighting fixtures also play an important role in the modeling space. Receiving the multi-level illumination allows you to fill your room with different light and thus make it more spacious:

All of the above methods relate to the problem maximize space small rooms. In that case, if space for you is not priority, and you'll be cozy and comfortable in a small living room, you can not limit yourself to the careful selection of methods of expansion of its area.
Originally decorated room of 18 m2 in ecological style bears within himself a colossal charge of natural heat. Perfectly combined in the interior of different natural materials: stone, wood, metal, glass. Free space here a bit, but the originality of the interior decoration makes the room very beautiful and extraordinary.
Important in the design of the 18-meter-high hall – a sense of style and the ability to distribute functional areas.
Source: www.remontbp.com/originalnyj-interer-zala-18-kv-m/